Monday, July 28, 2014

Let it shine

You know, when some people receive our Lord in Holy Communion, they don't act like they know that it is Him, or maybe they doubt, or maybe they just won't believe it. But then there are others, who show such reverence and love that if I didn't already believe in the True Presence, I would start asking myself some serious questions.

I am very disappointed to admit that there seem to be more of the first group than of then second group. I wish this were not so, and I want to make an effort to change that to the reverse.

If you believe that Jesus is really present in the Holy Eucharist, please, please show it. Not because you want to seem more Holy, but because you want to make others believe. We learn from example more than anything else. Someone can tell me how to do something, or tell me that something is true, but until I see them do it, or profoundly express it, I'm less likely to learn it. Actions always speak louder than words.

What's holding you back? Is it fear of what others will think? Is it pride? Please give me some hope here. Please do not let me believe that there are as few true believers as there are those who express that belief through their actions. I'm holding onto the hope that you're out there, truly believing, but for some reason unable to express it. That's why I'm asking these questions. I want to help you understand the importance of expressing it, and give you the courage to do so.

I know it's hard to express something you believe. It often attracts attention that we really don't want. You have to remember that it's all about your intent. You are not expressing this belief so that you want attention, you are expressing this because you want Jesus to get the attention He so much deserves. So that covers all of you who might be hiding under the blanket of the fear of attention. Remember that true humility consists of doing God' will and quietly accepting whatever comes from that.

Don't ever let the fear of what others will think affect what you do, especially when it comes to Religion. Other people's opinion of you does not matter. God's does, because "...for man seeth those things that appear, but the Lord beholdeth the heart."(1 Samuel 16:7)
And we can't forget Dr. Seuss, "Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." although I don't think he was specifically referring to this, it's incredibly true. If you're being held back from expressing this truth, with more than just your words, because you don't want people to think you're crazy, or, well I don't know what you think that they would think; you really need to think about this more. What is it that you think they will think? You need to analyze that thought and resolve it. Get rid of it and truly be free, because the fear of what others think is going to imprison you in more than just this issue.

Always remember that Love=Sacrifice. You are going to have to buck up and do it! It takes courage, humility, love and faith to really express it. These are beautiful virtues that everyone should want! I have a hard time believing that one is capable of accepting all the graces that Jesus is trying to give them in Holy Communion if they are not willing to express that belief. That's not to say that they are not capable of accepting some of those graces, but can they get the fullness of those graces? If I am wrong in thinking that way, PLEASE correct me!

You aren't doing it for your own glory, but for God's. I want us, myself included, (because I struggle with this sometimes too) to look and to be so devoted, so amazed, so in awe, so thankful, so consumed by God's love when we receive Communion that anyone in the room who didn't believe would instantly start questioning themselves, just by the look on our faces. Let it shine!

And if you don't believe, why? You believe that God loves you, I hope? You believe that His love is limitless, I hope? Why can't you believe that in His love He would humble Himself again by taking on the appearances of bread and wine, in order to come to us and be with us and in us because He loves us so much? This is so fundamental to the Faith. No one can fully understand this mystery, so if you reject it just because you can't understand it, You're making a huge mistake.

So please guys, if you really truly believe, show it so that others can believe. And if you don't believe, please try. Whatever it is that is preventing you from believing, start questioning it. Get some good solid Catholic who does believe to talk to about it with you, and God bless you both. And God bless you if you already believe, too! ;)

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