Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Well, also has inchie swaps. Inchies are miniature works of art that are only one inch wide and one inch tall! Here are the ones i made for the April Swap.
 You make six of them, send them in, and you get six back, each from a differnt person!

 I made little envelopes for them :)
 Here is the match up to the cards
this is how they fit in there :)

i think they turned out pretty good. I used colored pencils on scrapbook paper, and then cut out the words and glued them on. Then I put Mod-podge on the cards to make them shiny. I made the envelopes by taking 2'' x 2'' peices of paper, folded in the corners and glued them there, then I took just plain washable markers and made little designs on them. I put a little mod-podge on them too, so they would match with the inchies :)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Some Art

Well, Since i just turned my blog into an Art and Poem blog, I'm going to put up a few of my recent projects.

 Here is a Collage I made. The words are a little blurred it says " Enjoy The Wondrous Beauty Of Nature That God Has Created" on the petals. and on the leaves it says " Love, Joy, Peace, Hope"
 A little jar i decorated with magazine clippings and Glitter Mod Podge
 One of my panitings.
These are my Spring themed Artist Trading Cars for the ATC swaps at It's a wonderful site!

So, now you have seen some of my recent art :)