Wednesday, July 31, 2013

HHS mandate

The time has come. The HHS mandate will sadly become effective beginning tomorrow.

What is the HHS mandate anyway?

The HHS mandate is a contraceptive mandate. It will require all employers to supply insurance for their employees and this insurance has to cover contraceptives.

So how does it effect us?
Contraception is opposed to the Catholic faith. It prevents, or at least prohibits the reproduction of Human life. In fact, some contraceptives can even kill an unborn child. It therefore prevents reproduction the way it's supposed to be.  We cannot, in good conscience, allow this! We will have our money going to pay for contraceptives.

So what can we do?
Pray, pray, pray, pray and once again pray! Pray that somehow, someway, we will be spared, and if not, that we will know what to do when the time comes. Pray for all employers. Pray for all employees. Pray that more people in this nation will come to realize the Importance of Religious freedom, and the sanctity of human life.

This is an attack on our Religious freedom. We need to fight. If we don't show them that we won't stand up against one freedom being taken away, what else will they take? I'm going to say something here, and I want you to think about it. I believe that Religious freedom is THE MOST important freedom and fundamental right. Because without God, we cannot do anything. Nothing will ever stop the faithful from finding some way to Worship, Praise, Serve and Love God, but we may be imprisoned of killed for it. Throughout the centuries, Christians everywhere have been martyred for their Faith. I'm not saying that we are all going to be martyred tomorrow, next week, or next year. I'm just saying, that I think things are going to get a bit harder here.

Please pray! Please pray!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

ATTN: Alter servers.

How to be a good server

Have you ever served at Holy Mass before? Are you going to soon? 

Do you know what a privilege this is? Do you know what an incredible responsibility, awesome experience, and wonderful way to serve God this is?

Do you realize, that when you are up in the Sanctuary, when the Priest raises the Most Holy Sacrament at the Consecration, countless Angels surround our Lord. And you are right there. Closer than anyone other than the Priest himself, to this amazing mystery. 

Jesus is truly present in the Holy Eucharist. You believe this, Right? How should you act, while you are serving the King of Kings? How should you look? How should you walk, sing, pray and watch?

You should try to look your very best. This is the King of Kings we are talking about! How would you dress to see an earthly king if you ever went to see one? How much better you should dress to see the King of Heaven and Earth!

Walk as if the Angels were walking with you. As if you were one of them. Silently, carefully, respectfully and with a purpose. 

Sing as if you could hear the Angels singing among you. It doesn't matter if you are the worst singer in the world, Don't be embarrassed. God made you, and your voice, and He loves you. It doesn't matter what anyone else in the whole world thinks, you are there to serve God, not man, and you should sing for God.

Pray with as much reverence and fervency as you can muster, while still being aware of the task at hand. While serving, we often don't get much time to kneel and pray without having a task to do. But that doesn't mean you don't pray at all. The Mass itself is the Highest form of prayer that we have. Participate! Respond as if you were being talked to directly! If you can though, it might be a good idea to take a little time before or after Mass to pray, and don't forget to thank God for the wonderful responsibility you have now.

Watch as if at any moment, a miracle could happen. Because one does. In every single Mass. The bread and wine are transformed into the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

There is also another reason you should watch. Especially during Communion time. After you have receive our Lord, quietly and Prayerfully, watch others receive Him as you are praying.  It's beautiful, to watch so many people receive Jesus. Children, Elderly, Young men and women, all come to the Lord. But, sometimes someone makes their way into Mass, who does not have the good intentions that others do.

It is sad, and scary, to know that there are some people in this world, who want to take the Most Holy Eucharist, and do terrible things to Him. We cannot allow this. Watch to make sure that each person consumes the Most Holy Sacrament. If you see someone who has taken the Host, and not Consumed it (unless it is in a Pix) please tell the Priest! This is an emergency, and should be addressed immediately! We need to make sure that the Eucharist is safe! This is our LORD! I don;t want to scare or distract you, but it does occasionally happen. 

When you are serving, you have a very important job. If there is one word I want you to take away from this lesson, it is REVERENCE. Reverence is so important, and in my opinion, the one of the keys to being a good server. Every time you pass in front of the Tabernacle, either Genuflect or make a Deep Bow. If you are unable to do one of these for any reason, at least bow your Head! Keep your hand folded prayerfully at all times, unless you are carrying or holding something. Pay attention. Do not play with your Cincture, daydream, chat with the other servers, twiddle your thumbs or allow yourself to be distracted in any way from the very important tasks at hand and prayer.

Allow yourself to absorb the wonder you are witnessing. (and this goes for all Masses you attend, not just when you are serving.) You are watching a Miracle. Each time you look at the Host, you are looking at Jesus Himself, even though our human eyes just see a Host. Angels surround Him at all times. You are seeing this all so closely. Don't be afraid to be amazed, and have it show. 

If people in the congregation see you looking in Wonder at Jesus, perhaps they will too, like we all should be. If they see you being reverent, perhaps they will be too, as we all should. If they see you participating fully in the Mass, with every fiber of your being, perhaps they will too, like we all should be!

But if they see you daydreaming, not paying attention, not being respectful, not participating fully, then they might not either. We need to inspire others to do the right thing!

Finally, please remember that everyone makes mistakes. Try to preform each task the best that you can, but if you do make a mistake, it's not the end of the world. Everyone makes a mistake at some point. Don't panic.

Never, ever, ever let serving at Mass become a bore. Don't just go through the motions. This is a privilege! Don't take it for granted. This is something that you should be thankful for. Remember that you are serving God.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The 4th

The Land of the Free,
The home of the brave, 
is what this celebration is for.
For purple mountains, for Fruited plains,
for whom many have fought in war.
For freedom of Religion,
the right to bear our arms,
 for “We the people”
for forests and farms.
For freedom of speech,
For the fifty states,
for pilgrims feet,
for equality of race.

But the land of the free,
the home of the brave,
is becoming a frightful place.
The innocent are killed,
Our Religion is threatened,
and so is our right to bear arms.

The purple mountains, no longer majestic,
the fruited plains no more.
The country used to be such a great place,
a home worth fighting for.

The rocket’s red glare and the bombs in the air,
may have to begin once more.
For We the People
We the free,
We need to stand up now.
Evil is threatening to take this land,
and has already taken taken a toll.

So celebrate the rights we now still have, but sadly we may soon lose,
Celebrate  the land of the free, but remember the loss of it too.
Remember the country that this tattered land once was,
with majestic eagles soaring. 
The red, white and blue, 
the victory too,
and the ocean’s waves all roaring.

Celebrate the land of the free!
But remember it’s not all that it used to be.
Old glory is fading,
but still, It is waving,
and silently whispering “Hope.”