Thursday, February 14, 2013

You are loved

Is there someone in your life who you know loves you? You know that they would always do what they thought best for you.You know that you could always trust this person, and that they will never let you down. You know that this person is there for you whenever you should need them.

I am very blessed I have a few of these people in my life.

But I know that are some out there who don't feel they have anyone like this. There may be times where even those of us Blessed enough to have a few of these people, don;'t feel like they do. Perhaps they did let you down or something, after all, they are humans too, we all make mistakes. Maybe one of these people who feel this way are reading this right now and feeling very sad. But don't despair. You are loved.

Perhaps you are feeling unloved. Perhaps a friend has let you down. Maybe you battle with depression. Maybe someone really betrayed you. Maybe you aren't doing well financially. Perhaps you are in big trouble for some reason. whatever the case, maybe you are feeling very unloved tonight. And even if you aren't (I wasn't feeling particularly unloved at all tonight) Sometimes being reminded of these things really makes us think.

Tonight, I was looking through an old journal of mine, from when I worked on my Marian award in my scout troop. I found several "Apostles of the the Holy Spirit Bulletin"s. So I decided to look at one or two. After flipping through the "Holy Spirit, Help us to Forgive" issue, I pick up the "The Holy Spirit, and His Gifts of  Faith, Hope and Love" issue, and start flipping through that one.

I get to the section called "I am Loved by Jesus" section, which has some Bible verses testifying to the fact that God loves us so much. I know that God loves me. I know that God loves everyone. But sometimes, reading how much He loves us, well, I'll admit I shed a few tears. Here are the ones that hit me the most. (I would share all of them, but i'm afraid that might take me all night)

Isaiah 49:15 (I started getting a little choked up on this one)
"Can a mother forget her infant, be without tenderness for the child of her womb? Even if she forget, I WILL NEVER forget you. See, I have written your name on the palms of My Hands"

Jer. 29:11-14 (this one i think is the one where i started shedding  a few tears)
"I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare, not for woe; plans to give you a future full of hope. When you call Me, when you go to Pray to Me, I will listen to you. When you look for Me, you will find Me. Yes when you seek Me with all your heart, you will find Me with you, say the Lord and I will change your lot."

Matt. 12:28-30
"Come to Me, all you who are weary and find life burdensome, and I will refresh you. Take my yoke upon your shoulders and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble of heart. Your souls will find rest, for My yoke is easy, and My burden is light"

John 3-16:
"Yes, God so Loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him may not die but may have Eternal Life."

John 15-9:
"As the Father has Loved Me, so I have Loved you. Live on in my Love."

Isaiah  43:1:
"Fear not, for I have redeemed you: I have called you by name, you are mine"

See? God loves you! No matter how many times people have let you down, and as we see from Isaiah 49:15, Even of our own mothers forget us, God will NEVER FORGET US! He is the only one who will never let you down. People will let you down sometimes, because we are all sinners. But God always does what's best for us. We may not realize it at that time, We may want something else. But God knows what is best, and He is always doing what is best for us.

So even if you don't have a person on this earth that you can confide in, even if you are rejected and thrown away, even of you have been broken and hurt and have no one to turn to, think again. You always have God. You can talk to Him any time, whether it's two o'clock in the afternoon, or 2 am, it doesn't matter. He's always there and ready to listen.

God always loves us. Even if we have offended Him, He wants us to come back to us. All we have to do is have a contrite heart, go to confession and repent! He want us to come to Him!

You are loved. And you always will be.

(Another funny thing, Isn't it ironic that I found these verses on Valentines day! Coincidence? I think not! LOL ;)  )

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ash Wednesday

Did you go to Mass today, and get ashes placed on your head?

Have you reflected on the words which were said as this was being done?

Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.

And so we shall. When our life here on earth has ended, and it is time to go to our eternal reward, as our spirit passes into the next world, our bodies will turn to dust. Because that's what we are made of.

Without God, we are nothing. We really are just dust. We can't do anything with out Him. We have no life with out Him.

But God makes us into something. He puts the breath of life into each of us, and gives use a unique mission here on earth. No one's path to Heaven is exactly the same.

Today we got some snow here. The Snowflakes are reminding me of people. Each one is different. Each one has a certain place to land. And each one is made of water, and it will return to water in a very short time.

When you think about how long people usually live, compared to eternity, our lives are nothing. When you think about what we do for God, compared to what He does for us, our sacrifice is nothing. When you think about His infinite Goodness, compared to our little goodness and endless faults, we are nothing.

Yes, We are made of dust, and to dust we shall return. But God has also created for us a Soul. And in that Soul, when we live in Him and Him in us, and His infinite goodness and mercifulness touches us, we have life. Eternal Life.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Lent starts tomorrow!

Well, I am actually a little bit excited about Lent.

Last Lent was, I think, Pretty life changing for me. I tried starting some good habits either during last lent or around that time. (along with the traditional giving up a few things)  Those Good habits that I started, I think, Have really helped me.

Maybe this Lent, You could try something a little different. Maybe instead of the same thing you did last year (and possibly the year before. I think most of us are guilty of giving up sweets, which is hard to do!, year after year LOL) Maybe you could step it up a bit. It's never to late to make a change.

Sure, It's gonna be hard. But that's the point! If you aren't tempted, then it's not much of  a sacrifice. Maybe the thing you have done in the past is really hard. I'm not saying it's not. it is hard to walk past all those really yummy things in the grocery store that we might usually buy, and pass them up. It is hard to see all the other people buying those things. But, we can do a little more.

You Can Do It! You can give a little more! Really! You can do it! Make this Lent a life changer! You could start with just a little bit more, and as we get closer to the end of lent, add a bit more each week or so. (I've never done that, but I don't see why you couldn't) Or you could Go rushing into Lent, Crying out your Battle cry and Fighting demons every step of the way!!!!!!!!!!!! ( hehehe :)  actually that battle cry idea isn't such a bad idea. you could shout in your head FOR THE LORD! or FOR SACRIFICE AND REPARATION! or BECAUSE OF HIS LOVE! or something.) Because you do realize that's what we are doing everyday. there's a battle all around us and we are a part of it. Each time we are tempted and decide not to go the way of temptation, We are fighting the "other side".

I think the most important thing to remember this Lent, is Why we are doing these things. Why are we giving up things that we enjoy? Why are we doing things that we don't normally do? Why are we changing our lives?

If we forget why we are doing these things, then there is not really a point. If we are doing them for no reason, then why are we doing them?

We are doing them because we love God! We are doing them because He loves us! We are doing them because God sent down His only Son, and He died for us so that we could be saved, because He loves us so much! God's love and mercy are so great!

So really! Maybe you could do a little more. Each time you are tempted, maybe you should make a "battle cry" to remember why you are doing it. Pray about it. Offer up your suffering, however great or small.

So there you have it. My really long post about Lent :)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The last Alleluia

Well, Lent starts on Wednesday, and Since we don't sing the alleluia in Mass in lent, today was "the Last Alleluia" in my mind.

So what are you doing for lent? Have you decided yet?

What are you going to give up or do for the Love of our Lord?

Have you ever wondered what Mary and Jesus' Apostles were thinking as the passion was taking place? What was running through their minds when they saw their Lord beaten, whipped, and nailed to a cross? What where they feeling when they heard His last words (or what they thought were) and saw Him give up His spirit? What were they thinking about when they placed Him in the tomb?

I for one, would have been terrified. I know, we are supposed to have Faith, but I admit that I would have thought the world was ending!

It is quite a consolation knowing the "end" of the story, Knowing that even though He died, He rose again and now we can eventually get to Heaven because of this. Knowing that God so loved the World. .  .

Knowing that God's love for us is so great, so powerful, so enduring that He sent His only Son down to die for us.

So as you think of what you are going to give up or do, Remember how great the Love God has for us is. remember what He did for you. Will you give up a little (or big)  something(s) for Him?

And each time you are tempted to give in, to do whatever you gave up, or not do what ever you where going to do, Think of Our Lord on the Cross. Think of the pain and suffering He endured for you. Think of God's love and sacrifice for you.

Love is sacrifice. We must remember this.

If you have never watched the movie, "the Passion of the Christ" I suggest you do. I think it's a very good movie to watch on Good Friday. It is very graphic (lots of blood) but very realistic. You will need tissues. It is very likely that you will cry. And if you don't I'm sure you will feel like it.

One of the "side things" I am going to do for lent (which means, if i have time and all that) Is, I am going to try to post (especially about religious topics) more often. I know that may sound odd, Usually people give up electronics etc. I just wanted to let you know that I hope to be posting more often in the coming season.

So today was "The last Alleluia" for a little over 40 days. The last Alleluia until the Lord dies and rises again.

And when that day comes, let us sing it so loud that it shakes the earth!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

God works in Mysterious ways

Something that I find, frankly, Amazing, Ironic, and too good to be a coincidence recently happened.

If you know me, you may or may not know that for the last two summers, I have been volunteering at the Cincinnati zoo and botanical gardens as a Junior Horticulturist. (gardener)

I love doing it. Working as a gardener at the zoo really sparked an interest in plants that I didn't really have before. I had wanted to work with animals a little more that plants originally, but they required more time, and we have a bit of a drive to the zoo, so I couldn't do that. So I became a Junior Horticulturist. I like nature in general, and plants are a part of that, and I will still be around the animals, so why not?

Occasionally, especially last year, I would have doubts about working at the zoo.I would think "couldn't I be using my time wiser? Couldn't I be working in a soup kitchen, or a crisis pregnancy center, or some other charity, so that I could actually help people directly?"

But then i would go to say my morning prayers. Last year, I Worked at the zoo on thursdays. Guess what the "Short reading" for Thursdays was?

1 Peter 4:10-11
Each one of you has received a special grace, so, like good stewards responsible for all these different graces of God, put yourselves at the service of others. Of you are a speaker, speak in words which seem to come from God; if you are a helper, help as though every action was done at God's orders, so that in everything God may receive the glory, through Jesus Christ, since to Him alone belong all glory and power for ever and ever. Amen

if you are a helper, help as though every action was done at God's orders, so that in everything God may receive the glory" That part was the part that hit me the most. I would feel a little more encouraged about it and think, well, Right now I am a helper.

So, fast forward to recently. I have been praying a bit about what He wants me o do this summer, thinking that maybe I would volunteer at a crisis pregnancy center or soup kitchen or other charitable organization this year. I still had those little nags that kept asking me, really? The zoo? Is that going to help people in need?

So, We were in Church, and one of the morning announcements was that the person who had been doing the garden work at our Church was retiring, and that they needed someone to take over.

BOOM! There it was! Perhaps this is why I have been working as a garden person at the zoo!

If I hadn't started working there in the first place, I might not have been interested at all. I wouldn't have the same love of plants and gardens that I do now.

If I hadn't worked there, I wouldn't have gotten the same experience with plants that i have now. Sure, weeding and watering are things that everyone can do, But last year they let me prune a Trumpet vine that was growing out of control! It wasn't perfect when i was done, I had never pruned a trumpet vine before, and probably never would have gotten the opportunity to, But it was a good learning experience and I don't think it looked too bad when I was done ;)

So, in order to help me figure out what God wants me to do, I called them today, to find out what was going to be involved.

Basically, It the same stuff i was doing at the zoo! Weeding, Watering, Mulching, Planting, Pruning etc.

The way I see it, It's Like God was training me, through helping to take care of the zoo's gardens, so that I could take care of His!

AHHH! I'm really excited now.

I still haven't completely decided yet, I still need to Pray about it more, but I am leaning more towards helping my Church this year. I mean, I'm going to miss working at the zoo, I got to know a few people and it was fun, but I think this may be what God it calling me to do now.

I am just in awe. God is amazing. I know that He knows all, and that He always has a plan. I beleived these before I started at the zoo. But I surely didn't realize that helping out at a zoo might be part of that!

So there you go! He really does work in mysterious ways, and we may not even realize when!

 And always remember, " if you are a helper, help as though every action was done at God's orders, so that in everything God may receive the glory" ;) :D