Thursday, May 22, 2014

Yes, I'm a female altar server. No, I don't want to become a priest.

I couldn't think of a better title for this post, despite that it sounds generic or cheesy. But anyway. . .

Every now and then someone has the idea that girls being Alter servers makes them want to become Priests, which is against the Church. Women can't be Priests. None of the 12 apostles were women, and that's OK, we have plenty of other ways to help, but that's a whole other blog post!

While it might be true that some girls get this idea, It hasn't happened for me. I do not remember ever having the thought of wishing that women were allowed to be Priests. Really, in the novice ordo Mass, the altar server has a relatively small role compared to the Latin Mass.

Serving at Mass is an incredible privilege that until recent times was reserved for boys only, because we want to encourage boys to be Priests and in the Latin Mass, the server(s) have a much bigger role. I can definitely see why this was reserved, because in the Latin Mass, the servers are like little Priests-In-Training, and could see where they would be encouraged to be Priests through serving the Latin Mass.. (My younger brother serves the Latin Mass at least once a month.)

I have never felt encouraged to somehow try to go against my Faith in this way through serving at Mass. Am I an exception? I doubt it. I understand that Women just simply aren't to be Priests, that's the way God set it up, and that's fine with me. I do enjoy serving the Mass very much, and I do think it helps me become closer to God. It gives me a sense of honor or responsibility. Not only do I want to help out with the Mass in the little ways that we help out as an Alter Server, I also want to serve as an example for other servers and the congregation. If they get distracted and look to us, and see us kneeling or being reverent, perhaps their attention will be drawn back to what is really important, the Holy Sacrifice that is taking place. Since I have this sense or responsibility, I carry it back to the pew with me next Sunday, when I'll be an example to my siblings and those around me.

I believe that over the years, Serving Mass has helped me be more attentive to what's really happening, Jesus coming back down to be with us and offering Himself for us again. And again. And again, every time a Mass is said in any church, anywhere in the World, He is there. And Eternal sacrifice that cannot be drained, because that Sacrifice is Jesus, whose love and merits are infinite.

One of my favorite "jobs" while serving is ringing the Consecration bells. I admit, I get really excited about it! It kinda reminds me of John the Baptist, crying in the wilderness, "Prepare the way of the Lord!"
 I hope my siblings (who often serve with me) don't get too upset when I snatch up the job first. LOcL I only have a few years left before I'll finally be able to start following my vocation, so you'll get the bells back eventually guys! Maybe. . .  ;)