Thursday, January 31, 2013

Which path?

While praying tonight, something occurred to me. I'm not sure if it was a distraction, or if God was trying to get through to me. Either way, I think it is good, and there fore, I shall share it :)

While writing this and thinking about it more, i have expanded on the occurrence quite a bit.

It occurred to me that there are many different paths to Heaven. God has chosen a path for each of us to take. If we try to take someone else's path, it doesn't work right. Not saying that others can't inspire us, I'm just saying that God has chosen a path for you, and that path is the one He wants you to take. It might be a hard path. Very often they are hard, but we should still follow them because God has it all planned out, and He knows best. After all, He Created us!

There also, are many different paths to, well, the opposite of Heaven. The good paths and bad paths often cross, because human ways are imperfect, due to original sin. Sometimes our paths intersect with other people's paths, and sometimes they run alongside them. And perhaps Sometimes we see someone who has strayed off of their path, and part of our path is to help them get back on their's!

So while we are walking on our path to Heaven, there may come a fork on the road, or maybe even several different forks. Only one of these paths is the right path to take. Sometimes it is hard to tell which path is right. So we need The Lord to guide

Also, we have each been given different tools to help us, and each other, reach the final goal. God has given us these tools, or talents, in order to help us and also to help others on our paths. We each have been given these talents for a reason. Maybe you don't think you have one, but maybe you just haven't found it yet. You maybe you have and you don't realize it!

We also have certain obstacles on our paths.

For instance, one who has a talent of singing, can use that talent to spread God's word through song, and inspire others. But perhaps they may often have doubts and think that their singing isn't good enough. So then Someone comes along who is good at cheering others up, being compassionate and helpful. Now the singer is spreading God's word through song, there fore God receives Glory, and the helpful person has brought Glory to Hod by being compassionate and encouraging this person to push on. There fore, These two have helped each other, moved forward on their paths, maybe inspired some one else to push on, and therefore, God receives Glory!

Luckily, we can get back On the right path again, if we make the mistake of choosing the wrong one. But we need Him to help us.

I've been praying abit for God to tell me what He wants me to do with the life He has granted me. I am still not sure which path I am called to take. I know that He will let me know when He knows I am ready. Sometimes I get a little impatient
sometimes, and I just can't wait for Him to tell be so that I can start preparing, but I guess right now my path is to wait. Impatience is one of my obstacles I guess.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Fight for Life.

This day, Jan 22nd, 40 years ago, America made the decision to allow abortions in this country.

What a dark day that was.

Since then, 54,559,615 children have been aborted in the United States of America.


54,559,615 little Hearts stopped.

54,559,615 little human beings who will never see the world.

54,559,615 different personalities that will never get to shine.

54,559,615 little children who will never experience the joy of life.

They will never see the sunshine or breath the sweet air. They will never get to run, or pick flowers. They will never get the chance to Love on this earth. Never get the chance to Laugh in this world. Never get the chance to Live on this wonderful planet that God has given us.

They never got a chance.

They couldn't cry out for help. They could defend themselves.

These innocent children were murdered.


Why did we end 54,559,615 little lives?

Why did we never give 54,559,615 people the chance to live?

Why did this nation allow 54,559,615 children to be Killed!?

Will you help them? Will you stand up for life? Will you be the voice for the voiceless? The defense for the defenseless? Will you join to Fight against these murders? Will you protect Life at all stages? From conception to natural death?

If you answered yes to these questions, The you are on your way. You are on your way to become a soldier for life.

We don't use all the same weapons that any other soldier might use. We mostly use more powerful ones.

The Rosary, The Mass, Prayer. These weapons are much more powerful. More powerful than any earthly weapon. Though we don't always see the effects immediately, they are more powerful.

Will you join the fight?

Monday, January 21, 2013

Maggie Monday!

Hewoo! Dis is Maggie! And dis is also your farurit day of da weeeeeeeek!

Well, i has not been doing much interesting stuff lately. So, i thought I would rit a little story. Maybe sum day it will be what you humans call "a book", and be placed on the seat of Oner called "da book shelf."

Once upon a tiym there was a small dog named Maggie, who lived with her master and master's family and her two brofers booger and Fuzzworth and thier friend hammy da cat.

One day, Maggie the small dog was going fur a walk wif her master, when she seed a squirrel. Da squirrel was sitting on the grownd and eeting sumthing nummy. It had a reely fluffy Tayl
And smelled reely good. Maggie reely wanted to get da squirrel and bring it home to her family. So Maggie runned up, but master said "Maggie! Leev dat squirrel alown!" So Maggie did becuz Maggie was a good girl.

So den Maggie got home and chased booger arownd da hows and ran arownd wif fuzzworth's toys. But den Maggie seed someone eeting some food. Maggie thowt that dat food mite be nummy, so she went up to the peepl and said " always share wif small dogs!" And dey did!

And Maggie lived happyly ever after. Wat ever dat meens. But Maggie was happy becuz she got some food.

So dat is da end.

Also, happy Martin Luther king jr day. I don't know much about him, eksept dat he had a dreem.

Well, maybe i will say something agin on your next favurit day of da week! By by!

-Maggie :0)

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Have you ever looked at all those tiny hair like things in a feather? Ever wonders how many are on each one?

Have you ever seem a little white flower, just bobbing in the breeze? It's so delicate, how can it even stand up?

Ever looked at a little green lacewing on a tree? It is so tiny. How does it even fly, would 't it get caught in the slightest breeze?

Have you ever seen all the veins on a maple leaf? Looked at all the intricate detail in it?

Ever watched the sunrise, and felt to warm rays of fresh sunlight on your face?

Have you ever really listened to a bird's beautiful songs?

Have you even looked up at the stars and attempted to count them?

Have you ever watched a bumblebee collect pollen from a flower and fly off to make it into honey?

Have you ever wondered how many grains of sand there are in the sea?

Have you ever watched dandelion seeds fly in the wind? So whispy and light, where will they land?

Have you ever wondered how much water each cloud holds?

Have you ever looked at the sheen on a butterfly's wings?

Have you ever watched a deer run?

Have you ever taken the time to slow down? Step back? Take a deep breath and enjoy all the little things?

God out so much detail into everything! Have you noticed?

Saturday, January 19, 2013


Have you been to confession lately? If not, i strongly encourage you to go! I just went today, and I feel wonderful!

Maybe you are a bit scared. Nervous. I always am. Some times it even causes us to procrastinate going. "We'll, I'm not that bad off right now." "It can wait till next week" we keep putting it off. But why not just go now and get it done with?

I really like going to confession. Well, I don't particularly like telling my sins to someone, but when I receive that absolution, my soul just goes "Ahhhhh."

The burden of sin has been lifted and all that weight has been taken off. My soul has been released from the slavery of sin and the bonds of evil and it just feel like it's flying. I just feel so peaceful and wonderful knowing that I have been forgiven even though I don't deserve it.

You get another chance. You get to start over!

Yes, you have to let another human know all the terrible things you've done. Your negligence, wrong acts, bad thoughts and sinful desires. But he's not going to tell anyone. He's not allowed to under the seal of the confession.

But there is someone else in the confessional. God's there. He already knows what you've done and what you've failed to do, and He's ready to forgive you if you ask. If you are willing Try again. If you are willing to confess the wrong you've done and are sorry, He is there. He's got you in His hand.

I always go in very nervous. Anxiety runs in my family. I always come out feeling amazing. It's worth it.

All the bad things we've done. All the times we have offended the Almighty God of Heaven and earth. And all we have to do is go to confessions and do our penance and poof! He forgives you!

How merciful and great is our God! I deserve a terrible punishment, but he just gives me a penance, forgiveness and peace!

The feeling of forgiveness, the peace that comes with it and the knowledge that you have been forgiven is always worth the anxiety of confessing our wrongs.

I felt sad, anxious, worn out, afraid and dead earlier. Now I feel joyful, peaceful, safe, and alive.

Next time you get the opportunity to go to confession, don't put it off. Go. You will be glad you did!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

A chance

What would you feel like, If you didn't have a Life?

Well, that's a bit hard to explain, because if you had no life, you would not be alive.

What kind of emotions would you feel, if someone decided to kill you because they could not care for you, or didn't feel like caring for you, when they could have let someone else care for you?

Unloved? Worthless?

Aren't you glad that your mother chose life!?

It may not have been a big deal for your mom. Maybe she had no question in her mind whither or not she was going to let you be born. But maybe not. Maybe she was pressured to abort you. Maybe she made a mistake in life, or maybe something terrible happened to her, and she was pressured by everyone to abort you, and maybe just start over again some other time, when it was "Planned"

But she didn't abort you. She didn't choose to end your life, before you had seen the beauty of the world.

Maybe you were adopted. You may never know who your biological parents are. But you can know this. I bet they loved you. Know why? Because they chose life. They chose to give you up and let someone else have the joy of raising you, instead of having your life "surgically" ended.

You have a life. No matter how poor you are. No matter how terrible your situation is. No matter how far you have drifted or fallen, You have your life, and your life is your hope.

You could be in a prison somewhere, maybe in a foreign country. Maybe you are being tortured to reveal something that you simply will not reveal. Maybe they are starving you, and tearing you a apart physically and mentally and you can't escape. But, you are alive. You are alive! You may feel like dying, but Life is Hope! No matter how unlikely it is, Someone could come and rescue you. A miracle could occur. You never know. Hope. Hope is life, and Life is hope!

So no matter what you situation is, Please, chose life! Maybe your child will be disabled. Maybe they are only predicted to live a few moments before they pass away. Maybe your child will be poor. Maybe your child will not have a father. Maybe you will have to give the joy of raising a child to someone else through adoption. But, they will be alive! No matter how long or short, No matter how poor. No matter that they may never know you, They will have a chance. You, will have given them that chance. You!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


What is beauty? Well, according to our society it is unattainable for most of us. But it is said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

You may not think you are beautiful. I don't really think I am that pretty. But that is the way God made us! God makes beautiful things! Maybe we don't think we are beautiful, but I bet I know Someone who does. And I bet you know Who I am talking about too.

I just wanted to share this random fact. I don't wear make
up. Most young women my age do. Do you know why? Because this is the way I was made, and God made me! So why should I?

I do have to admit, I have been tempted to wear make up. I'm not saying it's wrong. A little bit may make you feel better about yourself. There is another saying, pretty is as pretty feels. I do paint my nails though ;) but I think that is a little bit different. (I bite my nails, so sometimes i do it just to try to get me to stop. Most of the time just for fun ;) )

I'm not saying its wrong to wear make up. I'm just saying that, you don't always need it, and you don't need a ton. You are beautiful just the way you are, because you have been made by God, and he doesn't make mistakes.

Besides. It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside. As humans, we tend to judge by appearance. We need to stop.
We need to stop judging others and even ourselves by how we look. It only matters what we look like on the inside. What does our heart look like? Our soul? That is what really matters.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Maggie Monday!

Hewooo! Guess what today is! Today is your favurit day of da week! And it's extra special today!!!!!



Well, it has been a pretty good Birfdey.

Unfurtunaly, master mayd me tak a bath today, because yesterday i desidid to see what the stuff in that box that that my sister hammy the cat always digs in, tastes like. That was not berry mutch fun. But, after i got out, i rolled aroond in my favurit been bag chayrs, and ran aroond. Dat was fun.

But, Master has now maked some nummy peanut buter cookys for my birfdey! and she eben maked me one shapd lik a bown! NUMMY!

Heer is some pictors dat master took of me today! :D


Heer i is, being a good girl and waiting for my cooky.

Can i eet it now?

heer i is, eeting my birfdey cooky.

my brothers, booger and fuzzworth got one too.  heer is me and booger. booger is trying to eet my crums.

That was a nummy cooky.

Well, Dat is all fur dis week! Maybe i will say somting agin next week!

-Birfdey Maggie! :0)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

20 Random facts about Maggie.

Well, as you may or may not know, Maggie's "Birthday" is this Monday, jan. 14. (She actually turns two in feb, but i don't know when. Jan 14 is her adoption day) I'm sure she will have something to say about that.

So, i thought it would be fun to post a few random facts about Maggie. I hope you will find them interesting and funny :)

1.) Maggie loves food. Especially string cheese and dried chicken livers.

2.) the only food she does not seem to like is mushrooms.

3.) I "Narrate" Maggie all the time.
Like how a person voices a Cartoon Character

4.) Maggie's worst enemy is the bath tub.
Every time i have to give her a bath, towards the end of the bath she starts crying.

5.) Maggie likes older ladies.
Yes, she seems to like older ladies. She gets a bit scared around little kids. It probably has to do with the way they approach her. Where a little kid might run right up talking loudly an older person would probably offer their hand and talk
quietly. Her former owner was also an older lady.

6.) Maggie snores sometimes

7.) Maggie randomly snorts

8.) Maggie likes to bark. A lot.

9.) Maggie likes squirrels. er, likes to chase them. But I don't let her ;)

10.) Maggie has her own version of a Tickle fight.
She starts licking my little sisters face, and she starts cracking up. So she keeps licking her and licking her and licking her, and my little sister just thinks it's hilarious. I believe this is Maggie's version of a tickle fight.

11.) Maggie "saved" one of my little sisters once.
we were on vacation, and on our way home we were staying at a hotel in Tenn. My parents were in the room next door, and My little sister and I were in the room with my Grandparents. Sometime during the night, My little sister took a sleep walk and accidentally locked herself out of the room. She walked over to my parents room, and started knocking very quietly (she was still sorta half asleep.) Long story short, If it weren't for Maggie's persistent Barking, My mom may not have opened the door. Who knows what could have happened.

12.) Maggie likes to sleep with her nose under something.
Usually it's her foot or leg, or a pillow or blanket. Sometimes it's your arm or armpit LOL

13.) Maggie is a good snuggle dog.

14.) Maggie knows how to Wave.
If you tell her to sit, and then point to her paw and say "Wave", she will do it :)

15.) Maggie's ears are a little odd.
most of the time they are floppy, but when she is interested in something or is alert, her ears stick straight out to the sides. Kinda like Yoda's ears.

16.) Maggie seems to not mind being dressed up.

17.) Maggie follows me around most of the time.

18.) Maggie is kind of an odd breed. She's a Beagle Dachshund mix. AKA Baweenie LOL

19.) Maggie is really sweet

20.) Maggie reminds me of me.
We both have anxiety issues and we are both kinda shy around new people. Sometimes I'm pretty quiet, Sometimes I can be pretty loud. Maggie is like that too. We can both be a little stubborn at times. We both have our pluses and minus'.

Well, there you have it! 20 random facts about Maggie. LOL

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A little confession.

While it may seem that I am mostly an upbeat, outgoing kinda person and i can get out of bad moods quickly, it is not always that way.

You see, I often forget a lot of the things I post about doing. I often forget to take a deep breath and take a break. I forget to try to be a nicer person. I forget to try to get out of my bad mood. I sometimes even forget to Pray about it.

Sometimes it makes me feel like a bit of a hypocrite. I'm always posting about "when i do this, i feel better! Maybe you should try it." "When i do that, it helps me a lot! I think it might help you too." Etc etc, but i forget them all the time.

But then i think, you know what? I posted that because it helped me a few times. I might not remember it all the time, sometimes i may not do it just because i dont want to. but maybe it will help someone else. Maybe someone will stumble across
it when they are having a bad day, and maybe it will help them out.

So I guess this is sorta another one of those posts. I just posted about something that made me feel better! And you know what, I hope to remember it. I hope to remember why I post these things. I want to inspire others. I want to give others good ideas. I want to express my passions and beliefs. I want to serve God.

Actually in real life, I'm kind of a shy person. I tend to keep to myself sometimes, and I'm often times afraid to express things because I'm afraid it could be a form of bragging or showing off or something. But then I think, what if I inspire some one through expressing something? But then I think, what if I'm really just being a show off? I guess it's just one of those balancing things. I don't want to keep to myself too much, but i don't want to be a show off.

Sometimes those balancing things are the hardest for me. I always feel like I'm doing one or the other, and can't get them balanced. Hopefully I will get better at balancing those things with time, patience and Prayer. I'm not perfect. But I'm gonna keep trying to be better, even if i forget sometimes. It's never too late.

I guess that's the end of my little confession thingy.

Well, I hope you all had a Blessed Christmas and a wonderful new year, and I hope that God blesses you abundantly throughout the year!!!!

P.S. Maggie's birthday is next Monday! I am planning on writing a post about some interesting and some funny facts about Maggie, so be on the look out!