Saturday, January 19, 2013


Have you been to confession lately? If not, i strongly encourage you to go! I just went today, and I feel wonderful!

Maybe you are a bit scared. Nervous. I always am. Some times it even causes us to procrastinate going. "We'll, I'm not that bad off right now." "It can wait till next week" we keep putting it off. But why not just go now and get it done with?

I really like going to confession. Well, I don't particularly like telling my sins to someone, but when I receive that absolution, my soul just goes "Ahhhhh."

The burden of sin has been lifted and all that weight has been taken off. My soul has been released from the slavery of sin and the bonds of evil and it just feel like it's flying. I just feel so peaceful and wonderful knowing that I have been forgiven even though I don't deserve it.

You get another chance. You get to start over!

Yes, you have to let another human know all the terrible things you've done. Your negligence, wrong acts, bad thoughts and sinful desires. But he's not going to tell anyone. He's not allowed to under the seal of the confession.

But there is someone else in the confessional. God's there. He already knows what you've done and what you've failed to do, and He's ready to forgive you if you ask. If you are willing Try again. If you are willing to confess the wrong you've done and are sorry, He is there. He's got you in His hand.

I always go in very nervous. Anxiety runs in my family. I always come out feeling amazing. It's worth it.

All the bad things we've done. All the times we have offended the Almighty God of Heaven and earth. And all we have to do is go to confessions and do our penance and poof! He forgives you!

How merciful and great is our God! I deserve a terrible punishment, but he just gives me a penance, forgiveness and peace!

The feeling of forgiveness, the peace that comes with it and the knowledge that you have been forgiven is always worth the anxiety of confessing our wrongs.

I felt sad, anxious, worn out, afraid and dead earlier. Now I feel joyful, peaceful, safe, and alive.

Next time you get the opportunity to go to confession, don't put it off. Go. You will be glad you did!

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