Saturday, January 12, 2013

20 Random facts about Maggie.

Well, as you may or may not know, Maggie's "Birthday" is this Monday, jan. 14. (She actually turns two in feb, but i don't know when. Jan 14 is her adoption day) I'm sure she will have something to say about that.

So, i thought it would be fun to post a few random facts about Maggie. I hope you will find them interesting and funny :)

1.) Maggie loves food. Especially string cheese and dried chicken livers.

2.) the only food she does not seem to like is mushrooms.

3.) I "Narrate" Maggie all the time.
Like how a person voices a Cartoon Character

4.) Maggie's worst enemy is the bath tub.
Every time i have to give her a bath, towards the end of the bath she starts crying.

5.) Maggie likes older ladies.
Yes, she seems to like older ladies. She gets a bit scared around little kids. It probably has to do with the way they approach her. Where a little kid might run right up talking loudly an older person would probably offer their hand and talk
quietly. Her former owner was also an older lady.

6.) Maggie snores sometimes

7.) Maggie randomly snorts

8.) Maggie likes to bark. A lot.

9.) Maggie likes squirrels. er, likes to chase them. But I don't let her ;)

10.) Maggie has her own version of a Tickle fight.
She starts licking my little sisters face, and she starts cracking up. So she keeps licking her and licking her and licking her, and my little sister just thinks it's hilarious. I believe this is Maggie's version of a tickle fight.

11.) Maggie "saved" one of my little sisters once.
we were on vacation, and on our way home we were staying at a hotel in Tenn. My parents were in the room next door, and My little sister and I were in the room with my Grandparents. Sometime during the night, My little sister took a sleep walk and accidentally locked herself out of the room. She walked over to my parents room, and started knocking very quietly (she was still sorta half asleep.) Long story short, If it weren't for Maggie's persistent Barking, My mom may not have opened the door. Who knows what could have happened.

12.) Maggie likes to sleep with her nose under something.
Usually it's her foot or leg, or a pillow or blanket. Sometimes it's your arm or armpit LOL

13.) Maggie is a good snuggle dog.

14.) Maggie knows how to Wave.
If you tell her to sit, and then point to her paw and say "Wave", she will do it :)

15.) Maggie's ears are a little odd.
most of the time they are floppy, but when she is interested in something or is alert, her ears stick straight out to the sides. Kinda like Yoda's ears.

16.) Maggie seems to not mind being dressed up.

17.) Maggie follows me around most of the time.

18.) Maggie is kind of an odd breed. She's a Beagle Dachshund mix. AKA Baweenie LOL

19.) Maggie is really sweet

20.) Maggie reminds me of me.
We both have anxiety issues and we are both kinda shy around new people. Sometimes I'm pretty quiet, Sometimes I can be pretty loud. Maggie is like that too. We can both be a little stubborn at times. We both have our pluses and minus'.

Well, there you have it! 20 random facts about Maggie. LOL

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