Euthanasia is in no way humane. "Mercy killing" is wrong. It is still killing.
Even if someone is, say, in a comatose state, or even brain dead, and it is unlikely that they will ever come out of it, it is wrong. Miracles do happen, an if you don't believe in miracles, there are sometimes things that even our modern science cannot explain. Even if they never come out, it is right to remove their food/water supply so that they slowly, slowly, die from starvation/de-hydration? No. That, sounds like Torture. How do we know if they can feel pain or not? Would you like to slowly stave and dehydrate if you were in this situation? If you answered yes to this question, i truly feel sorry for you. Life is worth living and these people, like the unborn, cannot speak out for themselves. They can't cry out for help, they can't scream in agony, they can't defend themselves. We have to be Their voice.
They may never come out if it, I'm not saying that everyone will always recover. Even though miracles happen, that kind of miracle is kind of rare. Yes, i understand that these people may be suffering already. But who are we to take a life? It is God's job to decide who comes and who goes, when and where. Not ours. A quick example, your rose bush has gone dormant for some reason. Are you going to keep watering it and see what happens, or give up hope and toss it out with the compost? I have a little rose bush in my kitchen, and it will occasionally look dead for some reason or another (eg, usually because i forgot to water it, but that's not part of the story) and once j start giving it attention and care, it has always just come back! Right now it look dead, and í think it may actually be dead this time, but I'm not giving up on them yet. I know, plants are different than people. But, the moral of this story is, don't give up on someone because it looks like they will die soon anyway.
Elderly people also deserve life. So they can't take care of themselves anymore. Maybe they can't have a job or drive any more. Maybe they do keep getting sick. Maybe they are weak in the body. Why should we take their life?
There is something about elderly people. They are so wise. So full of stories and advice. Even though they may be weak in the body, a lot of them are strong in the spirit. I know a few elderly people who are very devoted to God. I really look up to them for this. I know I need to work on putting more faith and trust in God.
The elderly deserve respect. They may not be able to do things anymore, but the are not worthless. Even if they can't even talk anymore, they are not worthless. Why should we kill them?
I once heard a fairy tale, i believe by the brothers Grimm, and in this fairy tale there was a young couple, Thier son, and the son's grandpa. Now, the old man was so old, that when he went to eat, he would spill his food all over, etc. The two young people were displeased with this, so they made him eat from a wooden trough in a corner. One day they saw Their son playing with some wood on the floor. One of them asked "What are you doing?" To which the little boy replied something like "I am making a wooden trough for mother and father to eat out of when they grow old." The couple then realized the error of their ways, and put the old man back at the table to eat, with the family, with the normal utensils.
Do we want to be like this young couple before or after Their son made them a trough? Is it going to take our children talking about euthanizing us, for us to change?
We were all unborn once, and growing old is inevitable. Who is going to speak up for us when we are old, if we don't protect the people when they are unborn? Who will speak up for the unborn when we are old, or passed on, if we don't teach people Now.
Now is the time to become the voice.
Now is the time to take action.
Now is as good a time as any other time to start speaking up for the defenseless. Will you?