Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Everyone is called to do something important.

Life is a wonderful gift that God has given us all. We are alive. It is true, there have been times of sadness and suffering in our lives. A relative passes away. An opportunity closes. A friend betrays us. We lose our Job. There are many times when sadness has entered our lives. There may have even been a time when you have asked "Why am I Alive?"

But There have also been times where we have been happy! Someone gets married. Someone is born. A friend shows how loyal they are to you. Someone tells you how much they love you. We find a job. A new opportunity opens. We discover a new friend. We find our talent. We celebrate someone's birthday. There may have even been a time when you have thought to yourself  "This is what I was born for."

We are all created for a purpose. Some discover their calling sooner, some later. I'm still unsure of my calling. Some people have callings that will make them stand out. Maybe make them famous. Some have callings that will just seem ordinary, but that does not make them any less of a person. 

Every calling is important. Parents, Teachers, Presidents, Scientists, Doctors, Friends, Helpers, Workers. They are all important. Our society Cannot function properly without each and every one.

If each of us has a calling, How will aborted children ever discover or carry out theirs? The answer is they won't. What if one of them was called to discover the cure for cancer? What if one of them was called to be the first person on mars? The next Bach or Beethoven? I am sure that many of them were called to be Parents. Teachers. Workers. Friends. 

Whatever the calling, Great or small, They will never be able to carry it out!  Thousands of little hands will never get to write. Thousands of little feet will never get to walk. Thousands of little eyes, will never get to see. Thousands of little ears, will never get to hear. Thousands or little hearts, will never get to love.

There are Thousands of little voices that cant speak up for themselves!

Will you be their voice?

Friday, October 19, 2012

A person is a person, no matter what you call them.

In the wise words of Dr. Seuss' Horton the Elephant " A person's a Person. No matter how small!"
This saying is already so true. They may be too small to recognize as Humans right now, but they are.
I believe you could even alter this slightly. "A person's a person no matter what they are called" could also be said.
Some people call unborn babies "Fetus" or "Embryo". Call them what you will, it does not change the fact that they are a human.

You can call a dollar just a sheet of green paper, but it is still a dollar.

You can call a blanket a piece
of cloth, but it is still a blanket.

You can call carrot an orange stick of vegetable matter, but it is a carrot.

Yet another variation!
"A person's a Person no matter what they look like"
We may not be able to recognize very young unborn children as humans yet, but does this mean that are not a human? No. They are a human.

And another
"A persons a person, no matter what they can do"
Disabled people are just as worthy of life as any "typical" person.
They may not be able to speak well. So what? They are still people! They may not be able to run as fast. So what? That does not take away the fact that they are human! They may not be able to learn as quick or as much, so what? They are still humans and that is that!
My little sister has Down's syndrome, ad she is amazing. She is seven now. She can read a little, she can sing, she can run, she can help with things like washing dishes and pet care. She will be making her first confession and Communion this year! She may never become a rocket scientist, but if anyone ever told be that she should have been aborted because she may not have the same capabilities as us, i don't know what i would say to them. I would be so flabbergasted. I would be mad. I would feel sorry for them. I really don't know what i would do.

I have read a quote (do not know who said it though.) that "The character of a man can be judged by how he treats those who can do nothing for him."
Think about that. An unborn child, or a disabled person, and do much for you. Well they can, but that another topic. The point is, on the outside it seems they can't do much. Are you going to be a good character, or a bad one?

So, here is my full modification is Horton's famous quote.
"A persons a person, no matter how small, what they look like, or what they are called. Who cares what they may not be able to do, they are still people like me and like you!"

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Adoption: the loving option

I know that some people have an opinion of abortion like "Well, it depends on the circumstances."
For instance, these folks may believe that, if a woman is a victim of a violent act and conceives, or if she cannot take proper care of the child, that abortion is ok under these circumstances.

To these folks, and all people who are considering abortion for these reasons, I have a suggestion.
I understand that you may not be able to take care of the child, due to the situation you are in, or for other reasons.
I understand that you may have been a victim of a terrible, horrible act, and that the conception of this child wasn't "Your choice".

But, why should your child be aborted? It is not his/her fault that you cannot take care of them, or were a victim of a terrible act.

Choose adoption! Through choosing adoption, you are making a wonderful, beautiful choice. You are choosing to let this child live! Yes, i know that they could end up in the orphanage for a very long time, or even until they are grown. But, it is better than never having a chance! It is better that never breathing, never dreaming, never having the chance to love, and care, and grow, and live!

Adoption is truly the loving option.
Adoption is beautiful.
Through giving this child up for adoption, instead of aborting him/her, you are saving a child's life, and possibly giving someone else the joy of raising a child.

Therefore, you are saving a life, making the right choice, and possibly even granting some one else joy.
Choose life.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Another Life topic: Euthanasia

Euthanasia is in no way humane. "Mercy killing" is wrong. It is still killing.

Even if someone is, say, in a comatose state, or even brain dead, and it is unlikely that they will ever come out of it, it is wrong. Miracles do happen, an if you don't believe in miracles, there are sometimes things that even our modern science cannot explain. Even if they never come out, it is right to remove their food/water supply so that they slowly, slowly, die from starvation/de-hydration? No. That, sounds like Torture. How do we know if they can feel pain or not? Would you like to slowly stave and dehydrate if you were in this situation? If you answered yes to this question, i truly feel sorry for you. Life is worth living and these people, like the unborn, cannot speak out for themselves. They can't cry out for help, they can't scream in agony, they can't defend themselves. We have to be Their voice.
They may never come out if it, I'm not saying that everyone will always recover. Even though miracles happen, that kind of miracle is kind of rare. Yes, i understand that these people may be suffering already. But who are we to take a life? It is God's job to decide who comes and who goes, when and where. Not ours. A quick example, your rose bush has gone dormant for some reason. Are you going to keep watering it and see what happens, or give up hope and toss it out with the compost? I have a little rose bush in my kitchen, and it will occasionally look dead for some reason or another (eg, usually because i forgot to water it, but that's not part of the story) and once j start giving it attention and care, it has always just come back! Right now it look dead, and í think it may actually be dead this time, but I'm not giving up on them yet. I know, plants are different than people. But, the moral of this story is, don't give up on someone because it looks like they will die soon anyway.

Elderly people also deserve life. So they can't take care of themselves anymore. Maybe they can't have a job or drive any more. Maybe they do keep getting sick. Maybe they are weak in the body. Why should we take their life?
There is something about elderly people. They are so wise. So full of stories and advice. Even though they may be weak in the body, a lot of them are strong in the spirit. I know a few elderly people who are very devoted to God. I really look up to them for this. I know I need to work on putting more faith and trust in God.
The elderly deserve respect. They may not be able to do things anymore, but the are not worthless. Even if they can't even talk anymore, they are not worthless. Why should we kill them?
I once heard a fairy tale, i believe by the brothers Grimm, and in this fairy tale there was a young couple, Thier son, and the son's grandpa. Now, the old man was so old, that when he went to eat, he would spill his food all over, etc. The two young people were displeased with this, so they made him eat from a wooden trough in a corner. One day they saw Their son playing with some wood on the floor. One of them asked "What are you doing?" To which the little boy replied something like "I am making a wooden trough for mother and father to eat out of when they grow old." The couple then realized the error of their ways, and put the old man back at the table to eat, with the family, with the normal utensils.
Do we want to be like this young couple before or after Their son made them a trough? Is it going to take our children talking about euthanizing us, for us to change?

We were all unborn once, and growing old is inevitable. Who is going to speak up for us when we are old, if we don't protect the people when they are unborn? Who will speak up for the unborn when we are old, or passed on, if we don't teach people Now.
Now is the time to become the voice.
Now is the time to take action.
Now is as good a time as any other time to start speaking up for the defenseless. Will you?

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Prolife: Green?

Well, I know that people are often concerned with "Overpopulation" of the earth, and that abortion might be a good choice to control this. (along with birth control)

I have a different opinion.
I don't really want to offend anyone,
But to be blunt about it, in my opinion, the world is Not over populated with people. I believe the world is over populated with greed. It's a sad thing, but I do believe it's true. Maybe if all of us could give up a little, we wouldn't seem overpopulated. We don't *Need* that snazzy new car. We don't *need* the fanciest house on the block. We don't *need* every fashion trend that rolls off the runway. If we gave up some of our extras, í think there would be enough for the people struggling with getting the necessities.

I have also thought that perhaps people think abortion is green because more people equals more waste right? And if the human race were to die off, the earth would become beautiful.

I think I have found a flaw with this theory. We already have so much here, that after years if us being gone, things would start to fall apart without care, which i think would cause even more pollution. For instance, we have oil and gas stuff. If someone did not maintain these facilities, they could leak, right? It's just my guess, but i think I am right. The trash that is all over the place now, would never get cleaned up. I think the solution to this issue is Education. In the words of that owl from the "fox and the hound", "eradication! Lack of education!". Perhaps these folks believe that the human race should die off, because we make too much waste, but maybe we could teach people, to clean up, don't litter, combine trips, care for the environment! There will always be folks who just don't care, but if we care, I believe we can make a difference without killing anyone!

So in my opinion, pro-life is the way to go when it comes to being "green"z teach the children about caring for the earth when they are young, and still have a sense of wonder. Seriously, what little kid isn't mystified by a giraffe? A giant tree that they can put their arms around? A peacock's bright feathers? Tadpoles? Fish? Dogs, cats, deer, butterflies, i could go on all night about the wonders of creation that need to be protected! The point is, teach them to love this earth we have been given, and i think it will pay off. Teach them to share with our fellow people, and i think it will pay off.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Maggie Monday!

Hewoo! It's your favurit day of the week! YAY!

Well, today, my peepls made up dis funny song about Dachshunds!!
it goos lik this,

Imma wittle dachshund! short and stout!
here is my tail and here is my snout!
when you heer me wimper, whine and pout,
you had better go let me out!

HEHEHEHEHEHE! that's a funny song!

Now we need a beegle song too, cause i am part beegle too. . . .  Snoopy might be my cousin!

Also, Today is something called "Columbus day" if you didnt know.
And i knows someting!
Columbus sayled the ocean boo, in foorteen million and sixty too!
oh wait. . . . . dats not rite. . . . .
Columbus sayled the ocean blue! in. . . .
sixteen thousand and eighty new?
17 hundred and fifty. .  coo?
ninety gazillion and seventy moo?
one one million and twenty flew?
a million gazillion and a billion too?
something else that rymes with oo?

OH WAIT! now i remembers!

Columbus sayled the ocean Blue (!) in. . . . .  Fourteen hundred. .. .  aaaaaaaaaaand. . . .  92!

Well, there you has it folks, Columbus sayled the ocean blue, in fourteen hundred and Ninety moo-I mean two! HEHEHEHE!

Well, maybe i will say something agin next week :0)

-Maggie :0)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Top 5 reasons Why I am Pro-Life

1. God created life. Life is a precious gift from God, given to each of us. Some of us will live longer, some shorter, some will have a harder path, some easier. But we should not take it upon our selves to decide when someone should die. That is God's job.

2. I was raised this way.
I was raised Pro-life for as long as I can remember. It is so imprinted on my heart, that when I hear of abortion or euthanasia, I can sometimes get very passionate about speaking out against these terrible deeds.

3. I enjoy life!
Yes I do! I am glad to be alive! I believe that everyone should have a chance to love, thrive, grow, and live in this beautiful world God created!

4. Killing is killing, no matter how "hidden" it is.
This child is not a blob of tissue. They are not a parasitic organism. They are not a chain of cells or some chromosomes. They are HUMAN BEINGS! Just like us! We ALL started out like this once, tiny, helpless, almost not recognizable sometimes. But we were given that chance! We were given the chance we needed to grow, live, breath, love.

5. The fifth commandment is "Thou shalt not kill"
Abortion is murder! The murder of a small, innocent, defenseless human child. They cannot cry out for help.
They can not defend themselves.
It seems that these children are taken advantage of! They can't cry out, they can defend themselves, they can't survive the outside world yet, so this takes away their humanity? Not in my view. They are as much human as you and I!

These children need us to be their voice. They need us to protect them. Will you speak up for the voiceless? Will you defend the defenseless? Why should these children have their lives taken away from them as if they were some kind of monster?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October is Pro-Life month

Well, October is Pro-Life month. I have decided that during this month, I am going to start posting some Pro-Life articles, Hopefully at least once a week :)

Human Life begins at conception. That is that. at the Moment of conception, This child, though very small, and possibly not recognizable yet, Is a HUMAN. This child is Alive! They are not just a blob of tissue or a mass of cells. They are a Human. A person. One of us!

At just 18 days old, This child's heart will start beating!
At only 40 days old, Their Brain waves will be detectable.
Some ultrasounds have seen Babies at 2 months old, Sucking their thumbs.
12 weeks, They can hear.
4-5 months old they can kick, and they have Finger prints!

They are Alive.

We were all unborn children once. But our Mothers chose LIFE! Life is a Precious gift! Cherish it! You and I have received this Wonderful gift from God! Why should these children have this Wonderful gift taken away from them?

I love this quote from the Cincinnati Right to life website.
"Nothing magic occurs at birth which suddenly makes an unborn baby human. The baby is the same baby, whether inside or outside the uterus. Every unborn baby is a complete, individual living human being from the earliest moment of his or her existence at fertilization."
To see this quote and a Time line of Human development, (where I got info for the one above) Click here.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Maggie Monday!

Hewoo! Guess what today is!? Ok, it's two wurds. The first one starts wif M and the second one starts wif. . . . . M! Is you Guessing?
It's Maggie Monday! Yur favorit day of da week! YAY!

So, I is a rescue dog now. Well, Kinda. I isnt getting training or anything, but i did kind of rescue one of my peepls!

last week, we was coming home from that "Georgia" place, and we was in a place called "Tennisee"
Master and one of her sisters, "Charpie" was in a "Hotel" room next door, With Master's gramma and grammpa :0(
But anyways, eveybody was sleeping, And i was in my crate. And those things they call "clocks" said somefing like 2:30 or sometime around dat i think. All the sudden, i heers dis wierd noise! "hooooo hoohoohoooooo" It was reely quiet, but it sounded lik a peepl was sad. den i heers dis weird tapping noise at da door, and i thinks "INTROODER! AHH!" so i starts barking, cuz i think ther must be an intruder out there! and then the Master's Mom wakes up. and she heers da weird noises too! so den after a litle while, we keeps heering da noises, and Master's Mom get up and looks out da window, And nobody is dere! all the while, i am still trying to tell eveybody dat there is an introoder at the door! so den, she goes over to da peek hole in da door, and peeks out, And dere is Charpie! Charpie was walking in her sleep, and walked right out of Master's Gramma and Grammpa's room! And den da door closed, and she coudent get back in! she was trying to get into Master's Mom's room.
Master's Mom sayd dat if i hadnt barked, she probably woudnt have waked up! and den poor charpie woud be stuck out dere :0(
So now, I is a unofficial rescue dog, Cause i rescued charpie from having to stay outside all nite long!

And i also have some other fun noows!
Da other day, my peepls went to some stoor called "Jungle Jim's". And dey buyed some jerky dat was made out of allygaturs! And dey gave me some peices of it!
IT WAS REALLY YUMMY!!!!!! :0D it was kinda spicy. but it was reely reely yummy!

so, da moral of this story is, Share with small dogs, because dey might save you from staying outside all nite! :0)

-Maggie  :0)