Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October is Pro-Life month

Well, October is Pro-Life month. I have decided that during this month, I am going to start posting some Pro-Life articles, Hopefully at least once a week :)

Human Life begins at conception. That is that. at the Moment of conception, This child, though very small, and possibly not recognizable yet, Is a HUMAN. This child is Alive! They are not just a blob of tissue or a mass of cells. They are a Human. A person. One of us!

At just 18 days old, This child's heart will start beating!
At only 40 days old, Their Brain waves will be detectable.
Some ultrasounds have seen Babies at 2 months old, Sucking their thumbs.
12 weeks, They can hear.
4-5 months old they can kick, and they have Finger prints!

They are Alive.

We were all unborn children once. But our Mothers chose LIFE! Life is a Precious gift! Cherish it! You and I have received this Wonderful gift from God! Why should these children have this Wonderful gift taken away from them?

I love this quote from the Cincinnati Right to life website.
"Nothing magic occurs at birth which suddenly makes an unborn baby human. The baby is the same baby, whether inside or outside the uterus. Every unborn baby is a complete, individual living human being from the earliest moment of his or her existence at fertilization."
To see this quote and a Time line of Human development, (where I got info for the one above) Click here.

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