Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Prolife: Green?

Well, I know that people are often concerned with "Overpopulation" of the earth, and that abortion might be a good choice to control this. (along with birth control)

I have a different opinion.
I don't really want to offend anyone,
But to be blunt about it, in my opinion, the world is Not over populated with people. I believe the world is over populated with greed. It's a sad thing, but I do believe it's true. Maybe if all of us could give up a little, we wouldn't seem overpopulated. We don't *Need* that snazzy new car. We don't *need* the fanciest house on the block. We don't *need* every fashion trend that rolls off the runway. If we gave up some of our extras, í think there would be enough for the people struggling with getting the necessities.

I have also thought that perhaps people think abortion is green because more people equals more waste right? And if the human race were to die off, the earth would become beautiful.

I think I have found a flaw with this theory. We already have so much here, that after years if us being gone, things would start to fall apart without care, which i think would cause even more pollution. For instance, we have oil and gas stuff. If someone did not maintain these facilities, they could leak, right? It's just my guess, but i think I am right. The trash that is all over the place now, would never get cleaned up. I think the solution to this issue is Education. In the words of that owl from the "fox and the hound", "eradication! Lack of education!". Perhaps these folks believe that the human race should die off, because we make too much waste, but maybe we could teach people, to clean up, don't litter, combine trips, care for the environment! There will always be folks who just don't care, but if we care, I believe we can make a difference without killing anyone!

So in my opinion, pro-life is the way to go when it comes to being "green"z teach the children about caring for the earth when they are young, and still have a sense of wonder. Seriously, what little kid isn't mystified by a giraffe? A giant tree that they can put their arms around? A peacock's bright feathers? Tadpoles? Fish? Dogs, cats, deer, butterflies, i could go on all night about the wonders of creation that need to be protected! The point is, teach them to love this earth we have been given, and i think it will pay off. Teach them to share with our fellow people, and i think it will pay off.

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