Thursday, May 2, 2013

A little bit closer

Well, I successfully failed at April's blog challenge! Yay! (LOL) oh well, sometimes your'e just walking along, mindin' your own business when life comes and hits you in the eye!

Anyways, I'm starting another one, which I'm sure will end up like the last one. This one's called "Just a little closer". It's going to be a challenge for you also! Some time during each week (for i don't know how long, hopefully a long time but probably a short time) let's say, Thursdays or Fridays, i will write a post, however long or short, and put a little challenge in it to move us "Just a little closer" to Him.

Remember, all journeys start with one step, Rome wasn't built in a day, and people don't learn to walk overnight.

So, for this week, here it is.
Let's start simple. Lets say, everyday for the next week, we Thank or Praise God at at least one random time during the day. Especially if it's a time you wouldn't normally do it.

For instance, you're stuck at a red light, your just thinking "who invented red lights? Really! There are no other card on the road! Left? Nope! Right? Nope! No cars! And yet, here is this little red light telling me that I can't go."

Instead of continues this battle against the red light, stop. Think instead "Who DID invent the red light? I guess it is to keep us safe anyways. Oh well, at least we have things like red lights to keep us safe. Thank you God for having that person, whoever they are, invent the stoplights."

Or you're little sister keeps coming up and poking you. "Hey? Hey! Are you gonna play with me yet?
Do you have a snack?
Will you read this book?
When's mom gonna get home?
Where did she go anyway?
Can you call her and tell her to get ice cream? The really yummy kind with lots of chocolate?" Etc. etc. etc…
Your'e just about to pull your hair out and yell "FOR GOODNESS SAKES! Be quiet child! Can you be quiet for FIVE SECONDS?!?!?!?!" ( believe me i know LOL)

Stop. Think instead "hmm… i wonder what it would be like to not have a little sister. Actually, it would be quite sad. Sure, she's Loud and crazy and goofy and sometimes grumpy, but what about other times? The time when she makes me feel cool? The time when she lets me play with her hair? When she makes me a cookie? When we go on a walk? When we read stories and play pretend? When we do all the stuff that i liked when i was little, but now I'm "too old" to do it without a younger person? I guess it's not so bad after all. Thank You God so much for giving me this little sister of mine, and please grant me some patience also.

It could be even simpler. "Wow. That flower is beautiful. God, you are a wonderful creator." "Mmmmm this is a good cup of coffee. Thank you for giving us coffee beans, God." "It would be so awful to be a dog. You could never see any if these beautiful colors that God created, wow."

So there's our challenge. Can YOU do it? It's such a little step, but little steps still bring us a little by closer. And the closer we get, the better.

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