So here's the interesting part.
Later on, I picked one. They are not bells at all! Actually they are kinda flattish. They have four or five petals (i can't remember) with tiny stripes that are the prettiest shade of purple you've ever seen. The detail in these little tiny flowers is so incredible, it blows me away. I have no idea what they are called, but I've sort of "nick named" them in my mind as "Fairy Flowers" because they are just so tiny!! (I love tiny detailed things!!!!!!! Alot!) God is such a wonderful creator! He doesn't just make the big flowers pretty. He tiniest ones are beautiful too! I wonder how those are pollinated. They are to small for a bee to get nectar from.
Anyways, that's not quite what I'm getting at here. You'll now notice, that the flowers look Completely different from what they really looked like from where I was standing. Sure, i thought they were cute little guys, but i had no idea how much beauty and detail was in them.
This reminds me of people. Just walking by, people are often completely different than how they seem.
Let's say You walk by a really pretty lady. If you got to know her, you would realize that perhaps she's not really that pretty on the inside. Now you walk by a little old woman. She's old and kinda wrinkly, not someone you would typically hang out with. But if you got to know her, you would realize how beautiful she really is. How beautiful her life was. How strong and brave this seemingly feeble old lady really is. How many trials she's endured, and still holds on. How many miracles she's witnessed.
You see where I'm going now, don't judge people by appearances. Yes, if they have 18 facial piercings, 20 tattoos, a 9 inch green Mohawk and wear black chains all the time, perhaps they might not be the best person to get to know. I'm just saying that just because some one seems like someone you typically would not make friends with, doesn't mean they aren't.
Even the seemingly 'just simple little white flowers', really could have alot of intricate detail and beauty, and may actually be a completely different shape than you thought they were from where you were standing.
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