Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Reach out!

Alright, Iv'e challenged myself here with the inspiring blog challenge (and am failing miserably LOL) and now, I have a challenge for you! *Dun dun duuuuun!*

So, i challenge you to… *insert drumroll*… Reach out!

There's a song, I'm not sure who it's by, (maybe Mercy me or someone who's right on the tip of my tongue, Er, fingers)
And i think it's called "If we are the Body" or something like that. Here's part of it. Or, how I'm pretty sure it goes.

"And if we are the Body, why aren't His Arms reaching? Why aren't His hands healing? Why aren't His words teaching? And if we are the Body, Why aren't His feet going? Why is His Love not showing?! There is a way. Jesus is the way. "

At first you might think "What? His words certainly are teaching! Of course His arms are reaching!"
Yes, they are. Jesus is always reaching out and teaching us etc. This song is referring to US!

We are supposed to be reaching out as Jesus' Body. We are supposed to be reaching others through His words. We are supposed to be moving through the world, reaching others. We are supposed to be spreading God's love for us.

God often works through People. If no one is willing to let Him work through them, Who is He going to work through? Sure, He can do anything. He could just appear or something if He wanted to (He already came down to Earth, performed numerous miracles, and DIED for us, for goodness sake!) But He wants to work through us.

Because, if something that obvious happened, If all of the sudden the sky grew white and we heard a giant voice thundering down from the Heavens or something like that, It just wouldn't be the same. Sure, lots of people might finally believe that God is there, lots of people might get to be converted, but no one got the opportunity to help.

We get closer to God through Doing good deeds out of
Love. If we don't have an opportunity to do good deeds, to help others get closer to Him, then we have lost an opportunity!

God doesn't make people do things, that's why He gave us free will. So we could have a choice.

The thing is, We have the opportunity. Are we losing it? Every time we chose to leave a good deed undone, or to leave a hurt unforgiven, a person broken, a thank you unsaid, a friendship undone, a hungry person unfed, a naked person unclothed, a person thirsting for water's thirst unquenched, leave a lonely person without a friend, a sorrowful person uncomforted, etc, we have lost a valuable opportunity to help others, and through helping others helping God, and to tell the truth, helping our own souls. We are losing it!

Are you losing it?

So, my good person, I CHALLENGE you to reach out at least once a day for the next week. It can be something as simple as saying thank you, opening the door for someone, helping your mom carry in the groceries, or patting someone on the back for a job well done. Or it could be as big as getting on your next mission plane, flying to Africa and feeding starving children (which unfortunately, most of us don't have that opportunity.)

It doesn't have to be big. You never know what is going on in someone else's mind. That person you just said thank you to, or praised for Doug a good job? May e they are truly depressed, or just feel down about the selves, and you've just let a little day of light into their day. That homeless dude on the side of the road that you just gave five bucks to? Maybe he hasn't eaten in a day or two. That bag of groceries you just carried in for mom? Maybe her back is hurting today, or maybe she's stressed out.

Anyway you can think of, that might make someone thank God, is a way of reaching out in my opinion. If you can make them think "oh, i really needed that. Thank You God!" Or "well, this person doesn't think I'm so terrible. Perhaps I'm not. Thanks God." Or anything like that, you have reached out. You age bright them, and yourself, just a little bit closer to the goal. Every tiny inch counts!

So reach out! Don't lose the opportunity!

April 16: Making people smile.

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