Thursday, March 13, 2014

What's Your Vocation?

Have you ever thought about what your Vocation is? Do you know what a Vocation is in the first place?

A vocation is a Call from God to do something with your life. A vocation is not just a call to religious life or Priesthood. It could be the married life, the chaste single life, or becoming a deacon. God has a plan for each of our lives, so everyone has a vocation. 

So what is yours? Have you ever thought of what God might be calling you too? You should be, no matter what your age. 

Having you ever considered that God may be calling you to the religious life? Lot of people are called to marriage, some to other vocations, but some are also called to religious life. Not everyone who is not called to marriage is called to religious life, but how will you know if you never explore the option? You should always be open to whatever God wants you to do. 

So, what are some things you should be thinking about if you are thinking of the religious life? 
What are yours intentions, or motives? Are you wanting to please God in whatever way he chooses for you, and so please Him in the best way you can? Do you Love God and want to dedicate your entire life to Him? 

How about your ability? Are you pretty physically and mentally healthy? You don't need to have special talents or exceptional gifts or a super High education, but you should be physically and emotionally pretty sound and able to carry out the duties of a religious life, which may differ a little from order to order.

Do you wish to live a virtuous life in every way possible, to "Be perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect"?

If you think you might have a religious vocation, there are lots of things you should do. It's probably a good idea to talk to your confessor about it. There are also people who specialize in vocation discernment, called "Vocation Directors" who will give you guidance in this matter. Lots of religious order have discernment dinners that you could attend. Some may have discernment retreats, which would be very good.

   Whether you think you have one or not, you should always pray about what God wants you to do. You should take time to not only ask questions, but also to listen for Him. You don't always get a vision telling you to become a religious you know, in fact that's rather uncommon. Remember that God often speaks to us in soft little ways, sometimes even in our everyday experiences, so subtly that we don't even know it's Him.  God's plan for you is so great, who ever you may be. He loves you, and He knows what is best for you. Listen to Him. Sure, its not an easy plan. The road to Heaven isn't easy. But it will be a more than ninety nine gazillionbilliontrillionbajillion, forty five million, eight hundred sixty nine thousand, seven hundred and seventy seven times worth it. 

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