Monday, March 10, 2014

Maggie Monday!

Hewoooo! Dis is maggie, and i bet you probably thinks dat you nos wat i is going to say next. You prbably thinks dat i is going to say "I bet you can't guess wat day it is today!" well, guess wat, you is not rite! HA! i is not going to say dat. I is going to say, IT IS MAGGIE MONDAY! yay!

De weber is reely nice owt today. Me and master went fur a walk dis morning, and it was bery nice. But, master is sik, so we didnt get to go fur a long walk. i wish we coud dough.

i bet dat master didnt tuck in her nos. she probably furgetted to tuck in her nos wen she went to sleep, and den i nos wat happened. wile maste was sleeping, i bet dows reely tiny bugs dat hoomans call "sheerms" saw her nos. and den, dey beeeeeery quietly, and beeeery sneekyly sneeked into her nos, becuz it wasnt tucked in. and den, dey attacked! AH! and now dey is making masters nos be all stuffed up, becuz dere is too many in dere. and dey mak her coff because dey tikles her frowt.

 and dey maks her nos run, but i don't no wat dat meens. becuz masters nos is not running away. it is still dere on her face. i think. let me check. . . . .. . .

yep. her nos is still dere. it did not run away.

well, i think dat is all i is going to say fur today. I has to mak sure dat masters nos doesnt run away, so dat she can still smell da wondurful smell of squirrels owtsid. i wuv dat smell!

- Maggie :0)

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