Mary our Mother spoke this wonderful song of praise on a visit to her cousin, Elizabeth. 2000 some odd years later the church still sings this song given to us by our Mother. We use it in the Divine office (it's in the vespers, which is the evening prayer) the prayer which religious and lay people alike say throughout the worlds each day.
In this sublime canticle of praise, our Mother prophesies that "For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed; for He who is mighty has done great things for me, and Holy is His name"
How true this statement has been throughout the history of the Church. All generations have called her Blessed, and will continue to forever, because God did do great things for her. She was the vessel through which God gave us His son, our salvation. Through her Jesus came into the world, Because she said "Yes" to God. We Honor her because God did.
God chose her to be the Mother of our Lord, and you can't get much more of an honor than that. She was there with Jesus through His whole life, quietly supporting Him and helping where needed. And after His death and resurrection, God took her whole being, Spirit and Body, right up into Heaven.
"Therefore my heart is glad, and my soul rejoices; my body also dwells secure. For you do not give me up to Sheol, or let your godly one see the Pit." Psalm 16:9-10
I wonder what other people might have thought of this statement of Love, Faith and Hope in God. I wonder what the rulers of the tie might have thought of the lowly Mary saying "he has put down the mighty from their thrones, and exalted those of low degree" or "He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty"? I imagine this would have caused contempt and anger. But how true it is!
Throughout all of the Bible we see countless stories of God lifting up lowly people. Noah is chosen to build the ark an save creation because he and hi family are the only goo people left. Jacob (Israel) becomes higher that his first born brother, Esau. His son, Joseph is lifted above all his brothers and becomes second in power only to Pharaoh in Egypt! David, a shepherd boy becomes one of the most famous king in history. These are only a few of the countless times throughout the Bible when God Lifts up His chosen ones, however lowly they may be.
Mary knows that she is blessed, yet, this song of praise is so humble. She acknowledges how great God is, and yet He regards "The low estate of His handmaiden." She recalled how God has continually helped Israel, and how He spoke to their fathers, and how He always shows mercy upon those who fear Him.
She proclaims God's mercy and Love for His people throughout all of time. How powerful and Mighty He is, yet tender and loving towards those who fear Him. How He scatters the proud, puts down the mighty, and sends the rich away empty, yet exalts Humble,fills the hungry and shows mercy to all who fear Him
Today is the Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord, the day when God sent the Angel Gabriel to Mary, to proclaim that she was chosen. Mary could have said no, she had free will. But she said Yes. And that Yes changed the worlds forever.