Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The our Father

 Today I'm going to do the Our Father, or the Lord's Prayer.

Our Father, who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name 
God the Father is, well, our Father! In an adoptive sort of way. "Art" basically means are, so when we say "Who art in Heaven, we are pretty much saying "Who is in Heaven" therefore, we are attesting to the fact that God is in Heaven. Hallowed mean Holy. God is so Holy, that even His name is Holy! Our human minds are incapable of fathoming how great His Holiness is. 

Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, On earth, as it is in Heaven.
When we say "Thy Kingdom come" I am honestly not sure if we are just acknowledging the fact that God's Kingdom is coming, or if we are, in a sense, Welcoming it. Maybe both. We are Also basically telling God that we want His will to be done like it is in Heaven. Which means we want what He wants to be done, done, and we want it done perfectly, like it should be, and is being done in Heaven. 

Give us this day our Daily Bread,
Here we are asking God to supply for our needs. I think we may also be asking Him to give us our spiritual bread (The Eucharist) as well as our physical bread (food)

And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
Here we are asking God to forgive us, like we forgive others. It is debated on wither or not a person holding a grudge should say this prayer because of this particular line.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Here, we are not implying that God leads us to temptation. He allows us to be tempted, but He doesn't do the tempting. We are simply asking Him to lead us away from the temptations, and deliver us from evil. 

In Mass, it is added at the end:

For the Kingdom, The power, and the Glory are yours, now and forever.
Here we are attesting that The Kingdom belongs to God. All power belongs to God. All Glory belongs to God. They are His now, and will be forever. 

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