Monday, September 10, 2012

Maggie Monday!

Hewoo! Gues what day it is!!!!! Your new favorit day of da week! YYYAAAAYYYY! Well, it's monday, and that meens it's Maggie monday! so now im gonna say somting on dis blog! sorry that last monday was not a maggie monday, master was gone like, ALL DAY LONG, so i had to stay in my crate, and i couldnt reech the computr.

Well, Last night i was trying to convins my peepl that turkey and cheese go togever. Because, if you are going to share your cheese with a small dog ( which you always always always always shoud! ) you should also share your turkey. Cause cheese withowt turkey? Ahh! that's. . . .  That. . .  That shoud be illigul! dats like. . . like Peanut butter withowt Peanuts! Like. . . . Fishes withowt water! it's like prezels withowt salt! like  toast withowt butter! its like a dog withowt a nose! a tree withowt leefs! its like bigfoot withowt any feet! like a nut withowt a shell! like a bed withowt a blancet! fuzzworth (my bwother) withowt any fuzz! (he's verry hairy.) its like dirt withowt no moles! it like a tree with no squirel! its also like a day withowt a walk! (or at least playing fetch!) like a bird with no fethers!
its like a bacon with out. . . Well bacon is good by all by itself. . . . Yummy. . . .
its like a steak withowt!. . . .  withowt. . . . umm. . .  well i guess steak is good by itself :0d
yum. . . . . .steak. . . . . . Bacon. . . . . . . . . . .

Anyway, Cheese without turkey is just not rite! you shoud always have chese wtih your turkey, and turkey with your chese! and you shoud always walways always always share with small dogs! not just big ones, not just tiny ones, not just medeyum ones. . . .  SMALL DOGS. Cuz small dogs (like me!!!!!) cant hav any enerjey without yummy food. We might wither away! or. . or we might not be able to lick you! or chas a squirel! GASP! you woodnt want dat woud you?! Of course not!

so to conclood my speech, Always have your cheese with turkey, and always have your turkey with chese. And Always always alway always always SHARE your yummy food with small dogs. It's crooshil to are survival!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;0)

Dis is maggie, Maybe i sayting agin next week! and remember, ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS share with small dogs! (like me!!!!!)

-Maggie :0) <------------ I am a small dog! always share your nummy stuff with me!!!! :0D

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