Monday, December 16, 2013

Just Shepherds.

Late one night, while tending sheep,
We saw a new star in the east.
We saw a light, an Angel that night, bringing us tidings of joy.

We followed that star, late that night,
We followed into the east,
We followed to a lowly stable,
All were kneeling, man and beast. 

We wondered "What this? Why are we here?
Why is everyone kneeling? 
We see a stable, a manger and child,
Is this why the star was gleaming?"

We managed to get at the front of the crowd,
Where a million angels were singing.
We looked upon him and finally realized,
this is why the star is gleaming. 

He was wrapped in a swaddle, and laid in a manger,
What a lowly place for a King.
In a dirty old stable,
In a little old town,
The town of Bethlehem. 

Yes, we saw the great savior, this newborn child,
before whom we knelt in the cold.
 There Before The Lord of Heaven and earth,
There before the Son of God.

When we finally realized why we were there,
our eyes were filled with tears.
What Love God has for his lowly creatures,
That tonight we would be here.

We aren't tenants in a royal court,
We aren't even servants In a palace.
We are certainly not a prince or a King,
No where even close to that. 

No, we are only shepherds here,
Just shepherds, dirty and poor.
Yet God let us see his Glorious Son,
In his human child form. 

Our hearts were changed on that dark night,
Which started so ordinary,
But then We saw that heavenly light,
And it was extraordinary. 

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