Thursday, October 3, 2013

God: Master of Life

God is the Master of Life.

He is the one who created Life in the first place. Then, He gave live to All living things. He is one one who gives life, and the one who takes it away, the Master of Life. At least that's how it is intended to be.

 Contraceptives prevent, or at least limit, the possibility of conception, the start of life. These interfere with God's plan of the Giving of Life. 

Abortion is the killing of a child before it is born. This premature taking of a human life, this Murdering of a child, interferes with God's plan for the life and death of this child. 

Euthanasia is the so called "mercy killing" of sick or elderly persons. First off, there is no such thing as a "mercy killing." Murder is murder and that is that. Secondly, no matter what the person maybe gong through, God already has a plan. Maybe they have to suffer patiently for a time. But God will eventually Call them ack to Himself, and they will die in a natural way. Euthanasia, the so called "mercy killing" of elderly, sick and handicapped persons, this murder, interferes with God's plan for the Life and Death of this person. 

God always has a plan. Although we may suffer now, there is a saying who h i find most comforting, although it's not always %100 accurate, i think that if we trust in God and strive to do His will it is. 

"Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end yet." 

I don't know who said it, i saw it on Pinterest once and adopted it as a favorite saying. 

We might have to suffer through an unplanned or crisis pregnancy. Don't abort the child. We might have to suffer through a terminal illness, or watch a loved one go through it,  which i admit might be worse, but don't end the life because of the suffering. There is always Hope! 

God is the Master of life and death. Let Him take care of that matter, don't interfere.  and let us keep trusting in His plan. 

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