Alright, Iv'e challenged myself here with the inspiring blog challenge (and am failing miserably LOL) and now, I have a challenge for you! *Dun dun duuuuun!*
So, i challenge you to… *insert drumroll*… Reach out!
There's a song, I'm not sure who it's by, (maybe Mercy me or someone who's right on the tip of my tongue, Er, fingers)
And i think it's called "If we are the Body" or something like that. Here's part of it. Or, how I'm pretty sure it goes.
"And if we are the Body, why aren't His Arms reaching? Why aren't His hands healing? Why aren't His words teaching? And if we are the Body, Why aren't His feet going? Why is His Love not showing?! There is a way. Jesus is the way. "
At first you might think "What? His words certainly are teaching! Of course His arms are reaching!"
Yes, they are. Jesus is always reaching out and teaching us etc. This song is referring to US!
We are supposed to be reaching out as Jesus' Body. We are supposed to be reaching others through His words. We are supposed to be moving through the world, reaching others. We are supposed to be spreading God's love for us.
God often works through People. If no one is willing to let Him work through them, Who is He going to work through? Sure, He can do anything. He could just appear or something if He wanted to (He already came down to Earth, performed numerous miracles, and DIED for us, for goodness sake!) But He wants to work through us.
Because, if something that obvious happened, If all of the sudden the sky grew white and we heard a giant voice thundering down from the Heavens or something like that, It just wouldn't be the same. Sure, lots of people might finally believe that God is there, lots of people might get to be converted, but no one got the opportunity to help.
We get closer to God through Doing good deeds out of
Love. If we don't have an opportunity to do good deeds, to help others get closer to Him, then we have lost an opportunity!
God doesn't make people do things, that's why He gave us free will. So we could have a choice.
The thing is, We have the opportunity. Are we losing it? Every time we chose to leave a good deed undone, or to leave a hurt unforgiven, a person broken, a thank you unsaid, a friendship undone, a hungry person unfed, a naked person unclothed, a person thirsting for water's thirst unquenched, leave a lonely person without a friend, a sorrowful person uncomforted, etc, we have lost a valuable opportunity to help others, and through helping others helping God, and to tell the truth, helping our own souls. We are losing it!
Are you losing it?
So, my good person, I CHALLENGE you to reach out at least once a day for the next week. It can be something as simple as saying thank you, opening the door for someone, helping your mom carry in the groceries, or patting someone on the back for a job well done. Or it could be as big as getting on your next mission plane, flying to Africa and feeding starving children (which unfortunately, most of us don't have that opportunity.)
It doesn't have to be big. You never know what is going on in someone else's mind. That person you just said thank you to, or praised for Doug a good job? May e they are truly depressed, or just feel down about the selves, and you've just let a little day of light into their day. That homeless dude on the side of the road that you just gave five bucks to? Maybe he hasn't eaten in a day or two. That bag of groceries you just carried in for mom? Maybe her back is hurting today, or maybe she's stressed out.
Anyway you can think of, that might make someone thank God, is a way of reaching out in my opinion. If you can make them think "oh, i really needed that. Thank You God!" Or "well, this person doesn't think I'm so terrible. Perhaps I'm not. Thanks God." Or anything like that, you have reached out. You age bright them, and yourself, just a little bit closer to the goal. Every tiny inch counts!
So reach out! Don't lose the opportunity!
April 16: Making people smile.
"And let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we do not lose heart." Galatians 6:9
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Monday, April 15, 2013
Well, so much for the whole blog challenge thing LOL I'm not even going to try to catch up, I'm just going to skip to today.
April 15 Serving Mass.
I love serving at Mass. It is such an amazing opportunity. You get to be soooo close to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and get to see it so close up. I feel like a really different person when I serve at Mass. I can't explain the feeling very well. I really can't describe how awesome it is to have the opportunity to be up there on the Altar, helping so Physically close to the Tabernacle and Jesus Himself.
You know that amazing feeling you get when you've done something really good? Or when you're standing in the forest or a field and take a deep breath of the flower scented fresh air? Or when you take a deep drink of the coolest, most sweet clear water? Or when you make someone's day? Or when you wake up in the morning, the birds are singing, and the sunbeams are dancing on your face, you stretch out, Thank God, and just know it's going to be a good day?
That's the feeling. That's the feeling I get from serving. I feel so tiny, yet important at the same time.
Yes, there is some anxiety involved. I'm always afraid I'll drop something, or forget something, and do something wrong. And then there's the scrupulosity that tells me I don't deserve this feeling (which i really don't, but that's not what I'm getting at) because I'm too sinful, and tries to ruin the happiness.
But If i let myself make it past these anxieties with God's help,
Then I feel amazing.
If you have the opportunity to Serve at your Church, and think you might be called to do it, Give it a try! It's awesome.
April 15 Serving Mass.
I love serving at Mass. It is such an amazing opportunity. You get to be soooo close to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and get to see it so close up. I feel like a really different person when I serve at Mass. I can't explain the feeling very well. I really can't describe how awesome it is to have the opportunity to be up there on the Altar, helping so Physically close to the Tabernacle and Jesus Himself.
You know that amazing feeling you get when you've done something really good? Or when you're standing in the forest or a field and take a deep breath of the flower scented fresh air? Or when you take a deep drink of the coolest, most sweet clear water? Or when you make someone's day? Or when you wake up in the morning, the birds are singing, and the sunbeams are dancing on your face, you stretch out, Thank God, and just know it's going to be a good day?
That's the feeling. That's the feeling I get from serving. I feel so tiny, yet important at the same time.
Yes, there is some anxiety involved. I'm always afraid I'll drop something, or forget something, and do something wrong. And then there's the scrupulosity that tells me I don't deserve this feeling (which i really don't, but that's not what I'm getting at) because I'm too sinful, and tries to ruin the happiness.
But If i let myself make it past these anxieties with God's help,
Then I feel amazing.
If you have the opportunity to Serve at your Church, and think you might be called to do it, Give it a try! It's awesome.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Sometimes I wish I had wings.
I could fly away from everything.
Fly from the fear, fly from the darkness, fly a little closer to the light.
But I can't decide what kind.
What kind of wings would I need?
What kind of wings would be best,
To suit my needs and personality?
Perhaps the wings of an eagle,
Strong wings flying majestically.
Feathers soft and quiet.
Feathers strong and brave.
But the wings of an eagle,
just wouldn't be right.
Eagles are brave, and stand to fight.
It would take more than fear to get into flight.
How about the wings of a butterfly?
Flitting this way and that.
Colorful, silent, beautiful flight,
Perhaps these wings would be just right.
But butterfly wings just might not work,
Butterflies don't really have a care in the world.
They fly joyfully from one flower and then to the next,
No butterflies don't worry and the wings aren't right.
Dragonfly wings are super fast,
Buzzing and transparent,
They just might last!
Would dragonfly wings be right for me?
No, dragonfly wings won't do at all,
They make all their cares seem super small.
Everything they do just looks like a game,
And my fears are too good at making me feel ashamed.
The wings of a heron are graceful and true,
Huge, and a beautiful shade of blue.
With wings like that I could ride the breeze,
I could fly away from it all with ease.
But the wings if the heron are a bit too slow,
True, they are graceful, but I think the answer is no.
The heron just looks so relaxed and free,
And I'm sad to admit, that's like the opposite of me.
Oh which pair of wings would work for me?
At first i thought this might be pretty easy.
I'd just pick a pair of wings and fly away.
Pick a pair of wings and escape from the day.
Maybe the answer isn't the wings,
Although they are beautiful, wonderful things.
Maybe there's a lesson that i can learn,
Even though the fear makes my stomach churn.
The wings of an eagle,
So brave and true,
If I'm brave like an eagle,
i might make it through.
The wings of a butterfly,
Full of joy and cheer,
If i let myself have joy and cheer,
Maybe i wouldn't be here.
The wings of a dragonfly,
Playful and free,
If i don't let the shame take hold,
Maybe I'll just be me.
The wings of a heron,
So peaceful and slow,
I need to slow down and let
The fears just go.
So maybe I need to grow my own pair of wings,
Combining the good qualities of each of these,
But maybe the healing doesn't come from flying away,
Maybe the healing comes a little bit each day.
So if I ever get some wings,
Perhaps I won't fly away from everything.
I'll be brave as an eagle,
With a butterfly's joy,
No more shame, like a dragonfly,
And with a heron's peace and pace,
I just might get by.
I could fly away from everything.
Fly from the fear, fly from the darkness, fly a little closer to the light.
But I can't decide what kind.
What kind of wings would I need?
What kind of wings would be best,
To suit my needs and personality?
Perhaps the wings of an eagle,
Strong wings flying majestically.
Feathers soft and quiet.
Feathers strong and brave.
But the wings of an eagle,
just wouldn't be right.
Eagles are brave, and stand to fight.
It would take more than fear to get into flight.
How about the wings of a butterfly?
Flitting this way and that.
Colorful, silent, beautiful flight,
Perhaps these wings would be just right.
But butterfly wings just might not work,
Butterflies don't really have a care in the world.
They fly joyfully from one flower and then to the next,
No butterflies don't worry and the wings aren't right.
Dragonfly wings are super fast,
Buzzing and transparent,
They just might last!
Would dragonfly wings be right for me?
No, dragonfly wings won't do at all,
They make all their cares seem super small.
Everything they do just looks like a game,
And my fears are too good at making me feel ashamed.
The wings of a heron are graceful and true,
Huge, and a beautiful shade of blue.
With wings like that I could ride the breeze,
I could fly away from it all with ease.
But the wings if the heron are a bit too slow,
True, they are graceful, but I think the answer is no.
The heron just looks so relaxed and free,
And I'm sad to admit, that's like the opposite of me.
Oh which pair of wings would work for me?
At first i thought this might be pretty easy.
I'd just pick a pair of wings and fly away.
Pick a pair of wings and escape from the day.
Maybe the answer isn't the wings,
Although they are beautiful, wonderful things.
Maybe there's a lesson that i can learn,
Even though the fear makes my stomach churn.
The wings of an eagle,
So brave and true,
If I'm brave like an eagle,
i might make it through.
The wings of a butterfly,
Full of joy and cheer,
If i let myself have joy and cheer,
Maybe i wouldn't be here.
The wings of a dragonfly,
Playful and free,
If i don't let the shame take hold,
Maybe I'll just be me.
The wings of a heron,
So peaceful and slow,
I need to slow down and let
The fears just go.
So maybe I need to grow my own pair of wings,
Combining the good qualities of each of these,
But maybe the healing doesn't come from flying away,
Maybe the healing comes a little bit each day.
So if I ever get some wings,
Perhaps I won't fly away from everything.
I'll be brave as an eagle,
With a butterfly's joy,
No more shame, like a dragonfly,
And with a heron's peace and pace,
I just might get by.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Maggie Monday!
Hewoo! Dis is Maggie! It has bean a looooooooooooooooooong tyme sinz i said somting on master's blog!
Well, things has bean pretty crazy aroond heer. A bunch of small humans, master's "neeses" and "nefoow" has cum to visit fur a while.
Dey is berry hyper. Dey like to play ruff and be silly all da tyme! Sum times it drives me crazy. Lik when dey jumps on master or sumthing. Dey shood not do dat! Dey mite hurt master! So den i barks at dem, to tell dem to stop dat, but i don't think dey understand me berry well.
But sum times dey is berry nice. Like wen dey leevs food on da ground, and when dey let me :) I is just a very nervus dog, so sometimes i get scared. But, it's ok.
So, day is da only noos i has today. Maybe i will say somting agin next week!
-Maggie :0)
P.s. Master says dat fur April 8, she says dat wen i is good and does tricks, it makes her berry happy :0) and also she says have a Happy Feast of the Annunciation.
Well, things has bean pretty crazy aroond heer. A bunch of small humans, master's "neeses" and "nefoow" has cum to visit fur a while.
Dey is berry hyper. Dey like to play ruff and be silly all da tyme! Sum times it drives me crazy. Lik when dey jumps on master or sumthing. Dey shood not do dat! Dey mite hurt master! So den i barks at dem, to tell dem to stop dat, but i don't think dey understand me berry well.
But sum times dey is berry nice. Like wen dey leevs food on da ground, and when dey let me :) I is just a very nervus dog, so sometimes i get scared. But, it's ok.
So, day is da only noos i has today. Maybe i will say somting agin next week!
-Maggie :0)
P.s. Master says dat fur April 8, she says dat wen i is good and does tricks, it makes her berry happy :0) and also she says have a Happy Feast of the Annunciation.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
We are having very spring like weather here! It's been warm enough to wear short sleeve almost all day! (It was a tad bit chilly this morning, but after that it was just wonderful!)
Now it's raining. It's supposed to be pretty warm and rainy all week.
I Love Spring. Everything comes back to life. The trees and getting buds which are growing well, the air is getting warmer, the daffodils have sprung up, and anything that hasn't bloomed yet is at least starting to bud, the earth is getting greener every day, the bird are nesting, the breeze is blowing, and everything is wonderful.
It really funny. In the spring, I think everything gets greener Everytime it rains! Right now, it's not super green, but it's getting greener. And i bet it will be even greener tomorrow, because of the rain.
I find it fascinating that plants grow so quickly when they are young. One minute it's a seed that is getting a bit swollen, the next morning it's a three inch high sprout, next week it starts getting it's first real leaves, and boom! Before you know it, within a month or two, you have a plant!
They kinda remind me of children. One minute they are little babies, the next a kid, and then the next they are all grown up and are having babies of their own!
Spring also falls at the perfect time for us here. In winter, everything seems dead. There are weeks of grey sky, grey trees, grey/brown leaves, grey weather, grey everything. It seems like it's going to last forever. But then, little spots of green start popping up. And before we know it, knew life is everywhere!
It's much like Lent! Everything seems dead. We, at times, seem dead within. On Good Friday, Jesus dies! But then, we start seeing "spots of green" popping up. We start to realize that everything isn't dead. We aren't dead, and if we are, Jesus will bring us back to life! Jesus isn't dead! He Rose again! New life is everywhere!
So it is very fitting that spring should come at the end of Lent.
I can't wait for the trees to get leaves, the flowers all to bloom, and the air to get even warmer! Mmmmm, spring! It makes me want to spring! I think it's probably my favorite season :)
April 7th
Thinking of spring, and new life!
Now it's raining. It's supposed to be pretty warm and rainy all week.
I Love Spring. Everything comes back to life. The trees and getting buds which are growing well, the air is getting warmer, the daffodils have sprung up, and anything that hasn't bloomed yet is at least starting to bud, the earth is getting greener every day, the bird are nesting, the breeze is blowing, and everything is wonderful.
It really funny. In the spring, I think everything gets greener Everytime it rains! Right now, it's not super green, but it's getting greener. And i bet it will be even greener tomorrow, because of the rain.
I find it fascinating that plants grow so quickly when they are young. One minute it's a seed that is getting a bit swollen, the next morning it's a three inch high sprout, next week it starts getting it's first real leaves, and boom! Before you know it, within a month or two, you have a plant!
They kinda remind me of children. One minute they are little babies, the next a kid, and then the next they are all grown up and are having babies of their own!
Spring also falls at the perfect time for us here. In winter, everything seems dead. There are weeks of grey sky, grey trees, grey/brown leaves, grey weather, grey everything. It seems like it's going to last forever. But then, little spots of green start popping up. And before we know it, knew life is everywhere!
It's much like Lent! Everything seems dead. We, at times, seem dead within. On Good Friday, Jesus dies! But then, we start seeing "spots of green" popping up. We start to realize that everything isn't dead. We aren't dead, and if we are, Jesus will bring us back to life! Jesus isn't dead! He Rose again! New life is everywhere!
So it is very fitting that spring should come at the end of Lent.
I can't wait for the trees to get leaves, the flowers all to bloom, and the air to get even warmer! Mmmmm, spring! It makes me want to spring! I think it's probably my favorite season :)
April 7th
Thinking of spring, and new life!
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Divine mercy
Tomorrow is Divine Mercy Sunday!
The day when the Fountain of Jesus' Mercy is just so great and overflowing and ready for us to come to it.
Mercy is a mysterious thing when you think about it. It's a special kind of forgiveness. Because, really, who doesn't get at least a bit upset when they think about all the terrible things they have done through their life. I sure do. I get a bit more than a bit upset.
Our sins, really, deserve punishment. God is the most Pure, Loving, Holy, Glorious, Good, Amazing, and Indescribably Wonderful. And we go against Him all the time.
But when we are sorry, He sees this. He sees the sorrow for our sins, the desire to do better, and the fear of pain and punishment. He hears our cries, no matter how bad we are. He hears us. He always hears us.
And then, He Forgives. Not a human forgiveness. Human forgiveness is imperfect in my opinion. Yes, we forgive the wrong that someone has done to us. But, we may remember it, and have a tendency to maybe be a bit wary of that person. Like, if someone makes fun of you. You forgive them, but you might not want to hang around with them for a little while, because you don't want to feel that pain again.
But God just welcomes us back! He isn't going to do the above. He won't leave us. In fact, He wants us to come back to Him, now! He loves us so much, He's not going to give up on us! He's not going to leave us, ever!
Even though we may deserve great punishment,
He is merciful. God is amazing.
Oh yeah, April 6
Listening to the song "Blessings" by Laura Story
The day when the Fountain of Jesus' Mercy is just so great and overflowing and ready for us to come to it.
Mercy is a mysterious thing when you think about it. It's a special kind of forgiveness. Because, really, who doesn't get at least a bit upset when they think about all the terrible things they have done through their life. I sure do. I get a bit more than a bit upset.
Our sins, really, deserve punishment. God is the most Pure, Loving, Holy, Glorious, Good, Amazing, and Indescribably Wonderful. And we go against Him all the time.
But when we are sorry, He sees this. He sees the sorrow for our sins, the desire to do better, and the fear of pain and punishment. He hears our cries, no matter how bad we are. He hears us. He always hears us.
And then, He Forgives. Not a human forgiveness. Human forgiveness is imperfect in my opinion. Yes, we forgive the wrong that someone has done to us. But, we may remember it, and have a tendency to maybe be a bit wary of that person. Like, if someone makes fun of you. You forgive them, but you might not want to hang around with them for a little while, because you don't want to feel that pain again.
But God just welcomes us back! He isn't going to do the above. He won't leave us. In fact, He wants us to come back to Him, now! He loves us so much, He's not going to give up on us! He's not going to leave us, ever!
Even though we may deserve great punishment,
He is merciful. God is amazing.
Oh yeah, April 6
Listening to the song "Blessings" by Laura Story
Friday, April 5, 2013
blog challenge
Oh boy, i forgot some days.. LOL
April 3
taking walks in the woods and just listening.
April 4
planning gardens
April 5
sitting in a tree.
hopefully i can come up with some better answers over the next few days. I haven't had the best day today :/
April 3
taking walks in the woods and just listening.
April 4
planning gardens
April 5
sitting in a tree.
hopefully i can come up with some better answers over the next few days. I haven't had the best day today :/
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
April Blog challenge
Happy Easter! (A bit late, but we are still in the octave of Easter. It's Easter Tuesday!) The Lord is Risen!
Well, to help me feel a bit better, and to help you feel a bit inspired, I have decided to do a blog challenge this month! I have never done one before, so I am going to make one up LOL i will probably miss a few days (kinda like how i was gonna post more for Lent… yeah.)
So, for each day in April, I will post a little bit about something that makes me feel happy or Peaceful or gives me hope, or generally good in some way. After all, Easter is a time of celebration, joy, hope and new life. So hopefully this will help me to experience these things better.
I guess I should post one for yesterday too. So here goes
April 1: Thinking of Heaven. Sometimes (not very often though) I just try to Imagine what it will (With the Lords help and abundant Mercy!!) be like to be welcomed into Heaven. I see this "wall" of cloud or mist, and i walk into it. There I see the most beautiful sight ever. I'm standing on top of a hill covered with the greenest grass you've ever seen in your life. The hill dips into a lovely green valley. On the left of the valley is a Beautiful forest. Slightly to the right of the valley is a glorious mountain. Coming out of/off of the mountain is the most breathtaking waterfall. The water is so clear and blue it looks like it's made of crystal. God sits on top of this mountain.
Jesus is standing right next to me, welcoming me. In front of me also is a large group of Saints that have prayed for me, greeting me. Imagining this image in my head, makes me very peaceful, but also perhaps a bit sad. Because i know I don't deserve it.
April 2: Reading about Saints that have gone through what I am going through. One of these is St. Alphonsis Ligouri. He was scrupulous, and may never have been "cured" of it. But He made it to Heaven. You see, one of the things about scrupulosity is that, almost every fault we have, almost every little thing we do wrong (or even think we may have done wrong) seems like a mortal sin, even if it's not. Then we think, Obviously if we are *always* in a state of mortal sin, this is certainly displeasing to God. Therefore, Heaven often seems like an unattainable dream. So reading and learning about scrupulous Saints, especially St. Alphonsis, really gives me hope. If he made it, without being cured of scrupulousity, or even just bearing it for most of his life, then perhaps I could too, even if i can't be "cured". Everything is possible with God.
Welp, there you have it. My first post of my first attempted blog challenge.
Well, to help me feel a bit better, and to help you feel a bit inspired, I have decided to do a blog challenge this month! I have never done one before, so I am going to make one up LOL i will probably miss a few days (kinda like how i was gonna post more for Lent… yeah.)
So, for each day in April, I will post a little bit about something that makes me feel happy or Peaceful or gives me hope, or generally good in some way. After all, Easter is a time of celebration, joy, hope and new life. So hopefully this will help me to experience these things better.
I guess I should post one for yesterday too. So here goes
April 1: Thinking of Heaven. Sometimes (not very often though) I just try to Imagine what it will (With the Lords help and abundant Mercy!!) be like to be welcomed into Heaven. I see this "wall" of cloud or mist, and i walk into it. There I see the most beautiful sight ever. I'm standing on top of a hill covered with the greenest grass you've ever seen in your life. The hill dips into a lovely green valley. On the left of the valley is a Beautiful forest. Slightly to the right of the valley is a glorious mountain. Coming out of/off of the mountain is the most breathtaking waterfall. The water is so clear and blue it looks like it's made of crystal. God sits on top of this mountain.
Jesus is standing right next to me, welcoming me. In front of me also is a large group of Saints that have prayed for me, greeting me. Imagining this image in my head, makes me very peaceful, but also perhaps a bit sad. Because i know I don't deserve it.
April 2: Reading about Saints that have gone through what I am going through. One of these is St. Alphonsis Ligouri. He was scrupulous, and may never have been "cured" of it. But He made it to Heaven. You see, one of the things about scrupulosity is that, almost every fault we have, almost every little thing we do wrong (or even think we may have done wrong) seems like a mortal sin, even if it's not. Then we think, Obviously if we are *always* in a state of mortal sin, this is certainly displeasing to God. Therefore, Heaven often seems like an unattainable dream. So reading and learning about scrupulous Saints, especially St. Alphonsis, really gives me hope. If he made it, without being cured of scrupulousity, or even just bearing it for most of his life, then perhaps I could too, even if i can't be "cured". Everything is possible with God.
Welp, there you have it. My first post of my first attempted blog challenge.
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