Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Lent starts tomorrow!

Well, I am actually a little bit excited about Lent.

Last Lent was, I think, Pretty life changing for me. I tried starting some good habits either during last lent or around that time. (along with the traditional giving up a few things)  Those Good habits that I started, I think, Have really helped me.

Maybe this Lent, You could try something a little different. Maybe instead of the same thing you did last year (and possibly the year before. I think most of us are guilty of giving up sweets, which is hard to do!, year after year LOL) Maybe you could step it up a bit. It's never to late to make a change.

Sure, It's gonna be hard. But that's the point! If you aren't tempted, then it's not much of  a sacrifice. Maybe the thing you have done in the past is really hard. I'm not saying it's not. it is hard to walk past all those really yummy things in the grocery store that we might usually buy, and pass them up. It is hard to see all the other people buying those things. But, we can do a little more.

You Can Do It! You can give a little more! Really! You can do it! Make this Lent a life changer! You could start with just a little bit more, and as we get closer to the end of lent, add a bit more each week or so. (I've never done that, but I don't see why you couldn't) Or you could Go rushing into Lent, Crying out your Battle cry and Fighting demons every step of the way!!!!!!!!!!!! ( hehehe :)  actually that battle cry idea isn't such a bad idea. you could shout in your head FOR THE LORD! or FOR SACRIFICE AND REPARATION! or BECAUSE OF HIS LOVE! or something.) Because you do realize that's what we are doing everyday. there's a battle all around us and we are a part of it. Each time we are tempted and decide not to go the way of temptation, We are fighting the "other side".

I think the most important thing to remember this Lent, is Why we are doing these things. Why are we giving up things that we enjoy? Why are we doing things that we don't normally do? Why are we changing our lives?

If we forget why we are doing these things, then there is not really a point. If we are doing them for no reason, then why are we doing them?

We are doing them because we love God! We are doing them because He loves us! We are doing them because God sent down His only Son, and He died for us so that we could be saved, because He loves us so much! God's love and mercy are so great!

So really! Maybe you could do a little more. Each time you are tempted, maybe you should make a "battle cry" to remember why you are doing it. Pray about it. Offer up your suffering, however great or small.

So there you have it. My really long post about Lent :)

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