Monday, November 5, 2012

Maggie Monday!

Hewoo! Dis is Maggie! and it is also your faverit day of the weeeeeeeeeeek! "And what day is that?" you ask? "Why is today my 'faverit day of the weeeeeeeeeeeeeeek'?
Well, Because its MONDAY! that means me, Maggie, is going to say something!!!! YAY!

Hehe, someting kinda of funyy happened this week. My peeples put on reely weird clothes, and went outside with out me! :0( but then, when they cam bak, dey had bags full of FOOOOOD!
Hmm. . .. . .Dat makes me think. . . . .  Maybe next time me and master goes for a walk, i should put a blanket on my head, and see if a bag of treats apeers!!!! Probably not thow, cause master probably wouldn't let me tak a blanket outside. . . .  HEHE

oh yeah. . .  And master made me tak a bath . . . . >:0( I was out side in da bak yard, and i found somthing dat smelled really good, so, i did de only natoral thing to do wen you smell somting good! i rolled it in! but apparenly peeples and small dogs must have different nose cells or somthing, cuase my peeples did not lik dat one bit. Nope. I don't like baths. .. .

But, master also maked me a new bed dis week! it even says "Maggie" on it! it's reely comfy. . . . She maked it out of shirts and pants!

And  now it's time for. . . . (drumroll plees. . . ). . . . . . bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum (
Times to share wif small dogs
1.) Always!
2.)Wen ever you is eating somthing yummy
3.) Wen your small dog reminds you to always share.
4.) wen in dout if it's time to share wif small dogs, report back to nomber 1

Times to not share wif small dogs
1.) Never! you should always share!
2.) when you is eating somting dat your small dogs does not like ( i don't lik mushrooms, but dats about it!)
3.) When your small dogs is not wanting food ( In which case you should probably take dem to da vet, becuase dey are probably sick if dey dont want fooood!)
4.) Wen in dout if it is not time to share, report back to nomber one.

Signs dat your small dog wants to be shared wif
For all peepls who doesnt know how to speek dog language, here is a easy compliashun of da signs dats your small dog may display when she wants you to share. if your small dogs is not displaying dees signs, you should share anywyas, becuase she might just not know you have food!
1.) Looking at you, den looking at your food, den looking at you, den looking at you food.
2.) Doing incredibal triks (lik sitting, or waving, or standing up like a peepl on her back legs)
3.) crying while looking at food. Dis translates to "awww. I reely reely wants food master! its so nummy. pweeeeeeeeeeees"
4.) barking while looking at food. dis translates to "FOOD! YUM! CAN I HAVE A BITE!? OR MAYBE FOUR?! OR TEN?!"
5.) If you small dog growls becuse dey wants da food, dis is one of da only times when you should probably not share your yummy peepl food, because dey is being mean. Dey needs to stick to plain dog food, until dey learns to be nice. But make sure you is feeding dem enof dog food ;0)

Well, there you go! now you know wen you should share, when you should not share, and da warning signs of wanting to be shared wif! 

Always share,
Maggie :0)

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