Hewoooooo! Dis is Maggie! I no dat U has bean wayting fur monday furever, because monday means maggie Monday!
I is berry sowwy dat i has not gotted to post berry mutch laytly. I gots a new brofer, and i didn't lik him berry much, so master didn't let me post for a few weeks, till i getted more used to him.
His name is Jerry. He is qwyte annoying sumtyms, but somtyms he is fun. He always wants to eat my treets wen master is teaching me, and dat does not mak me berry happy.
But yesterdey, master and her sister and jerry and me all went out to play in da sno, and it was berry fun. Master was throwning white balls, and me and jeery were chading dem, but we culdent find dem everytime! Dey must has bean madjic balls. dey madjically disapeered every tym dat mater threw dem!
and den me and jerry ran arownd and sniffed stuff and chased eechober wile master and her sister and brofer makd a sno-man. He didnt look berry much like a man to me, but dey calls it a sno-man, so i guess he is a man. but he neber moovs. at all. he's probably still owt der in da cold sno, but i can't no dat because i is too short to reetch da window. but he prbably is. I don't no wai he doesn't find a house to go in, and get warmer, because he is probably berry berry cold now. his nos is probably a aiscoob by now.
it has bean soooo cold heer dat master hasnt bean taking me fur walks laytly, because she doesn't want me to get to cold. So, we has bean going downstayrs, and den master teeches me tricks and stuff, and i gets treets! and jerry doesn't eat dem because master doesn't let him downsayrs wen she is teeching me stuff. It is berry fun. and we plays wif toys too. I has a badger toy, and a monkey toy, and a raindeer toy named "fetch" because dat is wat master says wen she throws it, so dat must be it's name. and i just got a racoon toy today too! I liks to bite toys. . . hehehehehehehehe
well, i tink dat is all i has to say fur now. maybe i will say somting agin next week!
-Maggie :0)
"And let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we do not lose heart." Galatians 6:9
Monday, January 27, 2014
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
America, what have we done?
America; that land of the free and home of the brave. The nation that started out with independence, saying "All men are created equal" and that we are entitled to "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness" What have we done?
41 years ago today, we made one of the biggest mistakes in our Nation's history. 41 years ago today, it became legal to murder children before they are born, and we call this murder "Abortion."
Since that fateful day, over 55 million babies have been killed before birth. That's 55 million hurting mothers. 55 million little pairs of eyes that never got to see the world. 55 million pairs of tiny hands that never got to grab their mother's finger. 55 million little pairs of feet that never got to feel the ground. 55 million voices never heard. 55 million people who were denied access to Life (outside the womb), Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 55 million innocent lives Taken.
What have we done? How could we have let this happen? These children were created by God. God has plans for every human being, whether they grow up with their biological parents, adopted parents, or even foster parents. God had special plans for each and every one of those 55 million. They never got the chance to respond.
What a sad day this is for our country, and the whole world. How much lower can you get than killing innocence?
Our Country has become very low. Very low.
What are you going to do about it? Cause guess what. It's up to you too. It's up to all of us to step up and speak out! Come on people! Today is as good a time as ever to step up. Yesterday would have been better, and tomorrow is not guaranteed. Today is the day that we say "Stop this Now!"
Abortion is wrong. It needs to be stopped. And we are the ones who need to stop abortion.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
What do you want?
Hi guys!
Next week, I'm planning on posting a poll in the side bar asking a simple question.
"What subjects do you want to see more posts about on this blog?"
In this poll, i will give you several options of possible subjects. Since this is mainly a Religious and personal blog, the subjects will pertaining to those to things.
I want every single person who reads this post to answer! I will probably leave it up for a week or two, to give you some time.
However, I'm going to go ahead and go over the possible subjects so that you will have plenty of time to think about it.
• Apologetics and "Why do Catholics do that?
I love apologetics. The only thing that is sad is that often in order to use them, someone is attacking a belief. However, there are sometimes that they can be used when someone is curious to know something. Maybe you aren't Catholic, but you have always wondered why Catholics make the sign of the cross, go to confession instead of just confessing to God, or why we believe that Jesus is present in the Eucharist. Whatever the case, i will do my best to answer the question, and if i can't answer it, I'll try to find someone who can,
•Lesser known Saints.
I also love Saints! Saints are our big brothers and sisters that have walked the path through this life, and made it to God! They aren't always perfect. But the kept going with God's grace and love, and they made it to Heaven.
I just love to find Saints who are lesser known. It's like finding a hidden treasure that not many other people have found, only better! Did you know about St. Fiacre, patron of Gardeners? How about St. Dymphna, patron of those with Mental illnesses? St Alphonsis? St. Mellangell? There are A LOT of Saint up there that aren't as well known as others like St. Peter, St. Francis, St Cecelia, and St. Agnes. And they can pray for you too!
• Virtues
Posts about Virtues in general, how they are needed, how they are practiced etc.
I am a flamin' prolifer! I can get very "into" Prolife topics. Defending Life is so very important in this work where a culture o death is promoted everywhere.
Sacraments are some of the greatest gifts that God has given us. They spark flames inside us. They bring us an overflowing wealth of Grace. They help us attain virtues. They bring us Closer to God!
If you've read a lot of my posts, you can tell that i really want to motivate and inspire people. I want you to keep going. Whatever it is that you are fighting, keep fighting. Whatever it is that you are struggling with, keep going! Trust in God. Pray. Give yourself to God, He will never leave you, even though everyone else might. I want you i keep fighting the good fight, and get closer and closer to God!
That's it for now. I know that some of you are itching for more Maggie Mondays *Cough Cough* my siblings *cough cough* but due to Maggie's inability to yet get along with her new brother, Jerry, she needs some time. Or else the post would be pretty boring like "Today my brofer Gerry stoled my monkey toy. I is so mad at him! He is always stoleding my toys and trying to eat my treats! He's berry Whiney all da time too!!" LOL
Anways, think about it, and come back next week to put in your answer!
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