Monday, December 31, 2012

Maggie Monday!! :D

Hewooooo! Dis is Maggie! I is feeling much much better. In fact, i think I is all better now :0)

Unfurtunatly, Master is not feeling good now :0( everybody in the pack is not feeling good, except for masters daddy, who seems to still be acting normal. And me and my brothers, Booger and Fuzzworth.

Guess what! My Birf dey is coming up soon! It on janooary 14 i think! Or at least, dats da dey dat master fought me home :0)

So i heers dat today is "noo yeers eve". I don't reely know wat a noo yeers eve means, but i know it has somting to do wif noo yeers and grandma dogs hows. It's berry sad, but master and my peeples doesn't get to go to grandma dogs hows, cuz dey is all sick :0( well, maybee dey can make some nummy food at home and share wif small dogs!

Keep in mind Dow, i is a small dog. Fuzzworth is a tiny dog. Booger is a mediumish smallish dog, so dat doesn't count. So i guess I is da only small dog in my hows! Dat meens share wif me!! :0D

Well, i guess dat is all, but don't forget, share wif small dogs!

And happy noo yeer!

And don't furget to share!

-Maggie :0)

P.s. don't furget to always share wif small dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Maggie monday

Hewoo. Dis, is Maggie. I is not feeling berry good today. I think i has jerms in my stomick. Last nite, i was reely reely cold, and master thinks i had a feever. Dat's not fun. Master's sisters is sick too :0( So i think today i is going to lay on da cowtch wif da mini masters (Master's sisters) and watch moovys. well, i mite do to sleep, but da mini masters are watching moovys. or i mite go downstairs wif master and sleep while she is making stuff.

But, da fun thing is, My brother booger has finaly been playing wif me! He is reely funny somtimes!

Well, I is maybe going to say somthing agin next week.

-Maggie :0/

And also, master just took dis picture of me. I is laying in my sickie been bag, and i has a blankit. I is berry warm and cozee.