So, I decided to try something new with my nails :)
So, instead of print, I decided to do Flowers! :) The result was not exactly what I expected, but I think they turned out pretty good.
So, here is what you need.
1.) A white, or light colored nail polish (for the base coat.)
NOTE: the color of the base coat will affect the color of the flowers. I used the pink sparkly nail polish shown above, and my blue flowers (also shown above) are now a lovely shade of purple (I expected it to turn purplish.) So, if you use, say, a green base coat, and red flowers, the result could be brownish flowers. I'm not sure. ( mixing all three primary colors usually results in brown or black. Since red is a primary, and green is a mixture of yellow and blue which are primary colors, it could turn out not what you were wanting.)
2.) Flowers, cut out from a magazine.
I used a blue rose of Sharon, cut out from an old "Michigan bulb co." magazine.
3.) Rubbing Alcohol (you will need the cap too.)
4.) Clear top coat
In the picture, it looks hot pinkish. The bottle is tinted pink, so that's why.
5.) A hard surface, like a bathroom counter (what I used )
6.) Something absorbent like a papertowel, napkin or toilet paper.
so here we go.
Step 1
apply base coat and wait for it to COMPLETELY DRY!
Step 2
Pour the rubbing alcohol into the cap, and place on a paper towel, napkin, or toilet paper.
Step 3
Dip your finger into the rubbing alcohol. (nail side down)
Step 3
quickly place one of the cutouts on you nail, print side down. Press firmly and hold for about 30 seconds.
Step 4
gently peel off the cut out.
Step 5
repeat steps 1-4 with your other fingers
(picture before top coat)
Step 6
GENTLY apply first top coat.
if you don't do it gently, The ink might start coming off! ( I did it too fast the first time, and now that finger's picture looks kind of faded to me. It also looked like there was a purple tint to the brush, so i think it may have come off a bit.)
Step 7
apply one or two more top coats, just to be on the safe side ;)